Whap Cocoyea - Desperadoes Steel Orchestra - WST Yard Series

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When Steel Talks captured Desperadoes Steel Orchestra preparing for the 2004 Trinidad & Tobago national panorama competition. The selection is calypsonian Shadow's "Whap Cocoyea," as arranged by the late master arranger Clive Bradley. This is a cool down version. Although Desperadoes with “Whap Cocoyea” did not win the competition, it is one of the most fascinating arrangements ever made for the steel orchestra. Moreover, the marriage between arranger, band and community through that song is the ultimate realization of a panorama piece. Clive Bradley has many great music work - Whap Cocoyea may be his most culturally significant. WST

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  • Cool down versions are always more pleasing to the ear. If anyone looked at the other clips of the encounter with the police, please be advised that was not on Laventille Road or near Desperadoes' Panyard. Most times the media lumps everything as "UP LAVENTILLLE."  It seems that when anything happens                  "BEHIND THE BRIDGE", the media and society use the word Laventille. I beleieve that Peter should pay for Peter and Paul should pay for Paul, instead of LAVENTILLE paying for all. The 100-odd areas that is called laventille should be defined. A proud and productive Laventillian,

                                                                                                Ian Franklin


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