Winnifred Atwell with Pan Am North Stars Steel Orchestra "Ivory And Steel" (full album-1969)
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Glenroy Joseph have great taste for excellent talent. I was not present for that memorable performance. I had the great pleasure of meeting the late great Winifred Atwell along with my Dutchy Brothers Band while competing, and performing for the very first band de monium contest sponsored and promoted by the late great Lord Melody at the wonderful Queens Hall in 1961. Winifred Atwell was a judge of this competition, along with Major Dennison and Major Prospect, great band masters of the police bands of Trinidad & Tobago. The Dutchy Brothers won that competition. I agree that the history and great talent of Winifred Atwell should be taught in all schools in Trinidad & Tobago, plus a statue of her should be paced in the ministry of cultural affairs and one in Woodford Square publicly.
Orville DeVlugt "Guitarist" The Dutchy Brothers
Memorable phase in the development of pan I was there in Woodford Sq when these two giants gave a free public a huge appreciative crowd. That was back when Woodford Sq was a learning centre for the new nation.
Anthony Williams was way ahead of his time the man is a genius