Winston Soso "Carnival" - 2018 Tune of Choice - Sion Hill Euphonium Steel Orchestra

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Jason Brandon James says -- Sion Hill Euphonium Steel Orchestra presents for Steel and Glitter 2018, Carnival by Winston Soso, who tell them we na coming, one of the few Steel Orchestra to never, I repeat never " stay out " or " take a break " from panorama since they first took the stage over 30 years ago, always the band to beat, always the one they look for, always the band to fear on panorama nite, last year we came second, so everyone Kno we coming full force, making us even more dangerous than before, with a few tricks up our sleeves, you simply can't miss this epic performance that will sure to leave u amazed, on July 5th u got to be at carnival city Victoria park to witness this once in a lifetime experience, Steel and Glitter 2018, a true musical extravaganza. The arranger isTerrance (BJ) Marcelle

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