WITCO Desperadoes - Picture On My Wall 1 of 2

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Despers in fine form running away with the 2000 Panorama Trophy

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  • Another great gem from the master Bradley with his best vehicle Despers, What I like most about this arrangement is the sophistication in the orchestration (Classic Bradley) There is no one who could or have achieved that type of immaculate sophistication in orchestration of pan music...at least not yet..... I recently read where a (non -Trini) female pan player ( in the women WST series) expressed how impressed she was with how Trinis just enjoy playing (performing) their music.....this was evident in this performance....it was also great to check out the old bards of Despers like Tash, Pijou, Buffy, Michael, David (I personally know this d/second section) but McQuilkin and the others just simply enjoying the music before the victory ...I went back and listen again...I suggest you do the same...great Pan Music


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