An Evening With the Masters - A Discussion on Calypso Jazz and the State of Improvisation - at Brooklyn College

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In addition, to the great performances there was an added bonus of a pre-concert talk that was both educational and engaging that featured a panel consisting of Frankie McIntosh - piano, Garvin Blake - steelpan, Étienne Charles - trumpet and David "Happy" Williams - double bass, with Ray Allen, Director of the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music and Senior Research Associate of Hitchcock Institute as both moderator of the pre-talk and host of the show. This pre-talk allowed the audience to gain valuable insight and awareness into personal backgrounds, critical influences and beginnings of these prominent practitioners of the Calypso Jazz music genre. Assembled here were some of the best musical talent to have ever left the shores of the Caribbean. Moreover they embody exceptional living history. It was a knowledgeable discussion that captured the interest of audience. Unfortunately, only an hour could be allowed for this important conversation. read more

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  • This is a great discussion. Claude, ODW, Glenroy what is your take on the current state of Calypso? Musicians really don't solo no more.


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