Woolies and Soweto Gospel Choir: Madiba Tribute

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Watch the Soweto Gospel Choir sing an incredible tribute to Madiba in our Parkview store. On Saturday, 7 December 2013, Woolworths had planned a performance at our Parkview store in Pretoria to support our Operation Smile Christmas campaign. The Soweto Gospel Choir's planned a rendition of James Brown's I Feel Good. But, after Madiba's passing the choir decided on a tribute instead. They chose Johnny Clegg's Asimbonanga.

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  • Very fitting tribute.

    Gons, you should like this one too.


  • As I had looked at this video ,it was quite moving Spiritually!!!!   immediately I remembered Mahatma Ghandi,,,Martin Luther king,,, President Kenedy/deceased,,Marcus  Garvey,.Malcolm X,,we   are  just passing  through?????God Bless.

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