Now if the T&T GOVT fails to pay the Ministers including DR. DOLLY their salaries for a period of years and spend it on Parties, Overseas trips, Foreign cars, Hotels, ECT , ECT, Would you call that Mismanaged Tax dollars or we give them the rights to do as they please with Tax Dollars. After every Panorama Pantrinbago should PAY Bands and Players first and Mismanaged after.

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  • Earl: Yuh is meh best pardner on THE FORUM so let me explain something to you.

    When I reference the word "MISMANAGED" I do so SARCASTICALLY!!!

    When Doctor Dolly used the word "MISMANAGED" she did so POLITICALLY!!!

    To have an intrinsic understanding of the linguistic nuance, one has to be a student of TRINIDAD POLITICS. And I have to tell you that I have had an early interest in TRINIDAD POLITICS since 1955 -- and 99 percent of the people who know more about TRINIDAD POLITICS than me DONE DEAD AND BURY!!!

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