Over 300 STEELBANDS on the LIST and we still have more updating to do!!!

We are going to have some MAJOR UPDATES coming up this week. I am going to put "TBD" in the  "location" field for bands which currently lack a specific location. I have also added the "source"  (WST/NV/JdeBarry) for each band entry on this list. That should facilitate easier retrieval by anyone who wants to validate information or make contact with the contributor. If anyone recognizes a band and knows the TOWN in which the band existed, please give us an update. Thanks!

I think that any BAND NAME that is presented by the WST GLOBAL COMMUNITY on this specific topic has validity. If not in this context, maybe in some other.  So I will include it (sometimes with a STRIKEOUT or QUESTION MARK).

In terms of the letter "A" all three data elements have been provided for bands starting with the letter "A" and this is an integration of ALL three data sources -- WHEN STEEL TALKS, NEW VISIONARIES and Jeremy de Barry. Roughly 223 bands were presented by the WHEN STEEL TALKS COMMUNITY with 220 from the NEW VISIONARIES and 282 from The JEREMY de BARRY file. Of course there are a lot of duplicates that have to be WEEDED OUT.

For the bands from town I am going to start putting "Port-of-Spain" but I would appreciate any specific pointers like "Belmont" or "St. James" and the like. I just added the first female steelband to the list. "WHITE STARS" was formed at the GIRL'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. "GIRL PAT" was the second female steelband.

All Aces (Boissiere Village), (WST); Arima All Stars (Arima), (WST); Alpha Stars (Rio Claro), (NV); Ambassadors (St. James -- Fort George Rd), (WST/NV); Am Boys Symphony (Belmont),(WST/NV); Antillean (San Fernando), (WST/JdeB); Armarites (El Socorro -- Don Miguel Street), (JdeB); Arirang (Diego Martin), (WST/NV); Armaris (Cunupia -- Chin Chin Road, (JdeB), Armed Forces, (Laventille), (NV); Atomic (Arima), (NV)

Battan (San Fernando -- Upper Marryat Street), (WST/JdeB); Bell Boys (San Juan -- Laventille Road), (WST/JdeB); Belmont United (Belmont -- Archer Street), (WST/NV); Bescrete Harmonizers, (Arima -- Green Street), (WST); Birdland (Carenage), Black Knights (San Fernando), (JdeB); Black Swan (San Juan), (NV); Blue Diamonds (Tobago-- Union Hall), (NV/JdeB); Blue Moon (St. Madeleine),(JdeB); Blue Stars, (St. James), (WST); Boom Town (Tacarigua), (NV); Born To Lose, (Arima), (WST); Boston Symphony, (Port-of-Spain), (WST/NV); Boystown (Pt. Cumana), (WST/NV/JdeB); Boystown (Tobago, Speyside) (JdeB); Boystown (Tunapuna), (WST/NV); (BP Serenaders (Tobago -- Canaan), (WST/JdeB); Buccaneers, (TBD), (NV)

Cadenza (Mayaro Pierreville), (JdeB); Caribbean Magic (Barataria -- 28th 4th Street), (JdeB);  Casablanca, Casbah, (Arima -- Calcutta City), (WST/NV); Cashab (Tobago, Roxborough), (JdeB); Cavaliers (San Fernando, South Street), (WST/NV/JdeB); Central Cassanova (Central), (WST/NV); Central Symphony (Chaguanas), (NV/CdeB); Charlie Chan, (Port-of-Spain),  (NV); Chicago Steelband, (TBD), (WST/NV); Choclate City (San Fernando -- Cor. Coffee and Cipero Streets), (JdeB); Chutniks (San Juan), (JdeB); City Kids (Port-of-Spain), (WST); City Serenaders Port-of-Spain -- Abercrombie St.), (WST); City Symphony (Port-of-Spain -- St. Paul St.), (WST); City Syncopators (Port-of-Spain), (WST/NV); Classy Sounds (Belmont, Circular Road), (JdeB); Clef Tones, (San Fernando -- Oxford Street), (WST/NV); Concrete Yard (Curepe), (WST/NV); Coco Boys (La Brea), (JdeB); Condor Front Liners, (TBD), (NV); ( Cooperative Harmony (Sangre Grande -- Cooperative Street), (JdeB); Corregidores (San Juan/Barataria), (WST/NV); Cosmonetts (San Fernando -- Cipero Street), (JdeB); Crazy Golden Eagles (Port-of-Spain, George Street), (JdeB); Crescendoes (Chaguanas, Southern Main Road), (JdeB);Crossfire (Woodbrook/St. James), (WST/NV); Crossfire (Arima -- Longden St.), (WST/NV); Crossroads, (St. James), (WST/NV); Cross Stars, (Arima -- Guanapo Street), (WST); Cross Winds (Enterprise, Chaguanas), (WST-NV-JdeB), Crusaders (Port-of-Spain), (WST); Culture Circle (St Joseph -- Market Street), (JdeB); Curepe Rebels (Curepe), (NV); Cutie Minors (San Fernando -- Rushworth Street), (JdeB); Czechniks (Gonzales), (WST)

D Boys, Del Vikings, Dale White's Family and Friends (Arima -- cor. Stephen & Subero Street), (JdeB); Delphonics, Dem boys (Belmont, Port-of-Spain), Dem Fascinators, Dem Fortunates (Port-of-Spain), Destination Unknown (San Juan), Dixicola Pentagons (San Fernando -- Short Street), Dixie Harps (Tunapuna), (WST/NV/JdeB); (Dixie Land (Belmont), Dixie Stars (Port-of-Spain), Dolphins Steel Orchestra (Pleasantville, Blitz Village), (JdeB)

East Indians (Pasea), East Side Symphony (Mayaro), East Side Symphony (Tobago -- Belle Garden), (JdeB); East Side New Dimension (Tobago, Belle Garden), (JdeB); Ebonites, Ebony, Echo Diamonds, Ekklesic (Arima), (JdeB); Empresarios (Scarborough, Tobago), (WST/NV/JdeB); Esso Stars, Esso Wonderharps, Euphonics (Lake Asphalt), (NV) Euphonics (Roxborough, Tobago), (NV), Euphonics Sounds (Tobago, Scarborough), (JdeB); Express 21 (Laventille -- 80 Old St. Joseph Road), (JdeB)

Fascinators (Port-of-Spain), Finland (San Juan), Five Graves to Cairo, Flamingoes, Four Roads Star Delta (Diego Martin), Free French (San Fernando),  Free Town (?), French Metronomes (San Fernando), Frenchman Creek (Tunapuna), Frillibo

Gay Caballeros,  Gay Crescendos, Gay Hoytonians, Gay Landers, Gay Monarch,  Gay Philadelphians, Gay Symphony, Gem Stars, Girl Pat (Port-of-Spain), Gladiators, Golden Dukes, Golden Harps, Golden Sounds Incorporated, Gondoliers (Maryatt Street, San Fernando), Gonzales United, Green Eyes, Guapo Burnley (Guapo), (WST/NV/JdeB)

Harlem City, Harlem Nightingales, Harlem Symphony, Harmonics (Egypt Village), Heineken Pan Vibes, Hellsapoppin, Hell Tones, Hell's Kitchen, Highlanders, Highlighters (Penal), Hillside Symphony (Corner Upper Hillside Street & Carib Street, San Fernando), Hill Sixty, Hill Stars (John John), Hilites (Maraval), Hiltones, Hit Paraders (Port-of-Spain)

Ierie Republic Sounds, Imperial Tulips

Jay Notes (Sangre Grande), Jazz Cats, Jewel 22 (Port-of-Spain), Joyland Synco, Juveniles

Katzenjammers (Port-of-Spain), Kentuckians, Kintups (St. Anns, Port-of-Spain), Klondike Pan Sounds (Tunapuna), Klondykes (Barataria)

Lenningrad (Morvant), L’il Carib, Lunics, Lucky Jordan (Scarborough, Tobago)

Maestros, Marley Nostalgic Golden Stars, Marsicans (San Juan), Melodics, Mello Harps (bethel), Mello Tones (Arima), Melotones (Febeau Village, San Juan), Melody Makers, Mello Stars, Merry Makers, Merry Star Metronomes, Metronomes, Mexicanos, Mexitones, Midlanders, Modern Stereo Harps (Gasparillo),   Modern Sunland, Modern Years, Modernaires (Gonzales), Modernites, Monarchs, Moonglow, Moonlight Sonata, Morning Stars,  Morvant Ebonites, Motown (San Fernando)

New World Symphony, Nestle's Ambassadors, Nightingale (Port-of-Spain), Nightingales (Bourg Mulatresse), Nob Hill (Tunapuna), Nocturnes, North Star (Arouca), North Stars, Northern Harmonizers (San Juan), Northern Symphony, Nuclear Symphonettes, Nutrine Playboys

(Old Oak) Starlift (Tobago), Olympia Symphonettes, Olympians (Tobago), Onset Steel Orchestra, Organettes (San Fernando), Pan Am North Stars (St. James), Pan Glow (San Fernando), Pan Pipers (Arima), Pandemonics (Bournes Road, St. James), Panarmonics (Belmont), Panamonics (Delaford), Pandemonium, Panorama (Port-of-Spain), People's Music, Pepcats (Arouca), Play Boys, Point Cumana Steel Orchestra, Prodigal Philharmonics, Pt. D'or Nightingales

QT Minors

Radix, Ragtime Rebels (Curepe), Red Army (Prince Street, Port-of-Spain), Red River (San Juan), Rhapsody, Rhapsody (Tunapuna), Rhythm and Blues, Rhythm Tigers (Tobago), Rising Sun (Jarvis Street, San Fernando), Rochdale, Rogues Regiment

Saigon (Port-of-Spain), Saint James United (Saint James), Samba Boys, San Juan All Stars (San Juan), Savoys, Satisfiers, Scarlet Symphony, Scarlet 29 Incorporated, Schlumbergers, Second Dimension (Morvant), See Bees, Silhouettes, Silver Harps (Cedros), Silver Harps (Port-of-Spain),Silver Harps (Sangre Grande), Silver Tones, Sky Chief (Tobago), Skylarks, Small Town Stardust, Soul City (Cascade), South Stars, (San Fernando), Southern All Stars (Carib Street, San Fernando), Southern Melotones (San Fernando), Southern Fascinators (San Fernando), Southern Symphony (San Fernando), Southernites (Santa Flora), Southland Symphony (Sutton Street, San Fernando), Spellbound (Carenage), Spike Jones, Sputalis, Sputniks,  Sputniks (Les Coteaux), Sputnik Stars, St. Anns All Stars (St. Anns), (JdeB); Stackpole, , Stalingrad, Stardelters, Starlift (Gasparillo),  Starland, Starlite (San Juan), Starnicks (Carenage), Staronettes Steel Orchestra (Laventille), Steel Stylers, Stepyard, Stereophonics, Stereotones, Stromboli (Belmont), Sundown Fascinators, Sundowners (Panco Lane, San Fernando), Sundowners (Hollis Street, Petit Bourg), Sun Valley (St. James), Sunland (Belmont- 21B Erthig Road), Sunland (Tunapuna), Sunsetters Coryal, Supertones (Canaan), Supersonics (La Brea), Survival, Syatdust, Symphonettes (Woodbrook), Symphony Stars (Scarborough), Synconettes, Synconites

Teenage Serenaders, Teenage Symphony, Teen Stars, Tell Stars (San Juan), Third Dimension, Third World, Third World Symphony, Thunder Birds, Tobago All Stars (Scarborough,Tobago), (NV/JdeB);Today's Youth Funky, Tombstone, Torrid Zone (Morvant), Trinidad Symphony (San Juan), Tripoli, Tropical Harmony, Tropical Melody, Tropicana Valentino, Tropitones (Port-of-Spain), Trutones (Princess Town), Tunapuna All Stars (Tunapuna)

Valley Harps, Vibratones, Vigilantes, Volleywyvkers (Mt. St. Benedict)

Wake Island, Water Front, West Side Symphony, West Stars (San Fernando), West Stars (Texaco), Western Philharmonics, Western Serenaders (Tobago), Western Stars, White Stars (Port-of-Spain, First female steelband -- from The Girl's Industrial School, Port-of-Spain), Wild Cats, Wild Cats (Tesoro), Williiamsville Highliters, Winside, Wonder Harps, Wonder Harps Esso), Wonderland (Belmont),  Wonderland (Chaguanas), Woodpeckers

Youth Stars

Zone Stars

3RD World Symphony (St. James)

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  • This is a great project and congrats to the initiators.
    There is some other information which could be included in this database. First, dates. When did these bands emerge and when did they cease to exist. This chronological and geographical information could then be read against macro- economic and social factors in particular time periods ( state of the economy, employment, lifecycles in the population, emigration, internal migrations) and micro-economic and social factors (cost and availability of oil drums, tuners and arrangers). This should take us one step closer to the questions to ask for better understanding of the rise and demise of steelbands.
    Would a column for captains, tuners and arrangers for the individual bands be asking too much?
    I look forward to the progress of this important initiative.
  • So where is Marybunturs 

  • Add to list:

    CAIRO,from Belle Vue, St,James.  This band was like the farm club for (Pan-am} North Stars.  Many of their original players eventually played and toured with North Stars. Leslie(Jordhino) who is sometimes on this forum can attest to that.  Men like      like "Bagga", Narine, the Haynes brothers,etc.

  • Correction

    Cleftones (Port-of-Spain, Oxford Street (general area)- a short lived breakaway from Casablanca.

    unless there was a Cleft Tones in San Fernando.

    • Yes "Professor", you are very correct. they started to practice on a vacant piece of land at the top of ARGYLE street, After some boulders and bottles on their tent, during a practice session , i think they moved to St. Vincent street.

  • Add "Dem Boys" from Morvant

  • Troubadours ( Woodbrook)

  • Aye!

  • Claude please add these bands

    I got these from an eighty-one year old  panman named Vernon St Cyr from Laventille,

    Grow More Food - Woodbrook (forerunner of Invaders)

    Mission to Moscow -Esipnet St.Laventille

    Torrid Zone - Success Village

    Kentuckians - Success Village

    Canal Zone - Private Road. Success Village

    Valentino - Prizgar Lands

    Tropical Harmony- Williams St. Success Village ( founded by Vernon St Cyr )

    Ah little history he also gave me,is that in 1957 his band (named after Tropical Harmony from Arima) played together with Cyril Diaz Orch. on the road for carnival. This has to be a definite first and probably the last time that a top brass orchestra and a steelband combined to play on the road for carnival.

    The songs they played together were; Thelma Was A Dancer and Sailor Man. 

  • Thanks again Claude
    Is it important to id where the band was located ? If so I would offer that Melody Makers was from Coffee and Marryatt streets and Rogues Regiment also were from San Fernando
    Great work
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