PAN IN REAL DANGER - by Sharmain Baboolal


Keith Diaz, having busted through almost every loophole in the Pan Trinbago constitution as he powered his way like a raging bull, is now the biggest shadow over the hastily-convened 2018 elections for a new executive of the “world governing steel pan body”.

Under the glare of the spotlight of the international steel pan diaspora, the incumbents and the aspirants have represented themselves as nothing short of an embarrassment.

And while they campaigned far and wide they have only opened up the gap between the so-called administrators of pan and the growing movement of players who will be the ones to determine whether Panorama 2019 comes off as planned.

As it stands, some bands may not be able to make it to competition.

Players who are owed money may just take a back seat if they are not paid.

If money from the National Carnival Commission’s (NCC) 2019 allocation is used to pay prize money and players’ remittance for 2018, then what becomes of 2019?

That is one of the numerous questions which no one on the campaign trail has dared to ask and for which no one has an answer.

Granted the aspirants and the incumbents are walking into Diaz’s track, heading into the darkness without even a flambeau, far more a flashlight, they are hoping that the NCC is the light at the end of the tunnel.

NCC, however, through the candidate which it is backing in the race is only promising to pay money due to steel bands and saying that Panorama 2019 will be on, as scheduled.

So here's the scenario. There was a significant shortfall in the disbursement of the 2018 allocation to NCC from the Ministry of Finance which was TT$147 million. But in fact, it was only TT$90.4 million which was actually disbursed and that represents a 40 percent reduction in the actual allocation which means the NCC has payables to the tune of more than TT$30 million which will have to be financed from the 2019 allocation.

The 2019 allocation, however, has been further reduced to TT$139 million.


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  • Real deep shit here boy. 

    congratulation to the new executive.

    best of luck.

  • Mercer: SHARMAIN BABOOLAL have real writing talent, boy!!! What it take me about 20 sentences to explain something to BUGS in -- SHARMAIN explain is LESS THAN ONE SENTENCE:

    keithdiaz.png?width=275Keith Diaz, having busted through almost every loophole in the Pan Trinbago constitution as he powered his way like a raging bull, is now the biggest shadow over the hastily-convened 2018 elections for a new executive of the “world governing steel pan body”.
    Yuh see that line, Mercer: "KEITH DIAZ is now the biggest shadow over the hastily-convened 2018 elections!!!"
    That is PLENTY MESSAGING dey, yuh know MERCER!!! Because THE SHADOW done swallow up BEVERLEY and like is only ME and SHARMAIN know that!!!
  • None of the teams (Amar and Dupres excepted) have the business acumen and corporate contacts to run a million dollar organization with millions in debt. Donkeys in a horse race!
    And SINGLE pan and SMALL bands take note! You are being sacrificed at the altar of expediency.......let your voices (votes) be heard. The TEAMS eh talking bout dat!
    • Orson Rogers: I have read and listened to a lot of comments by PAN LOVERS all over, for decades.

      But your voice comes across (consistently) as really concerned and genuinely caring. Hope you get to see the PAN PROGRESS you are so PAINFULLY hoping to see.

      I don't think that the bulk of the STEELBANDS are ready to take this big a STEP FORWARD. So we might still be shedding tears tomorrow night!!!

  • No comment. Not one. Dais my comment.

    • Mercer: It look as if YOUR TEAM going and WIN, boy. Ah go have to take the VICE PRESIDENT OF GLOBAL MARKETING FOR STEELBAND MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE title, now. Damn, and you go get the PRESIDENT WUK because you MANAGE THE CAMPAIGN FOR THEM!!!

      Oh well, ah think TWO AH WE go be ah GOOD TEAM traveling all over the WORLD taking and making GLOBAL PAN MUSIC and getting some of our PAN STARS in front of large FOREIGN AUDIENCES and meeting all kind ah HIGH LEVEL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS all around the world as we PROMOTE THE GREATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT THE WORLD HAS EVER HEARD!!!

      What ah life we go be living -- THE SPOILS OF VICTORY!!! Only 5-star HOTELS and LIMOS for we. Doh talk about all the PRETTY YOUNG GROUPIES.


      • Damn right, we reach.

  •  the show will go on

     the next and following years will be the usual 7 day grumble and the   carnival 2019 was the best ever

  • Wake meh up when this is OVER...

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