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  • Panorama is On...It is On!
    Now Mr Kenny De Silva is a very likeable person,but the last time I checked he doesn't have a vote in the Pan fraternity,so I am a quite concerned that he can make such a definitive statement.
    The PT executive was given a mandate by the PT AGM,which they were to take to the NCC,and if those conditions were not met,the resolution says there would be NO PANORAMA!

    Mr DeSilva is also a wise man,so he knows that the Nation needs PANORAMA more than the Steelbands need panorama....WHY?

    Steelbands keeps many a prospective,practising,semi-retired,and retired deliquen
    t, occupied in a positive activity,which gives the security forces more time and resources to concentrate on those who are spreading fear and mayhem in the neighbourhoods.

    Panorama is a major economic driver for carnival for many businesses.....The beer manufacturer to the bottle collector,The lady selling tambrand balls,the T-Shirt maker/printerThe trucker,Stands and stage erectors, The PA system,Garbage collector and Pan pusher,Tuners and Arrangers,all have their accountants waiting to quantify their Panorama windfall....Add to this, the emotions and euphoria that takes people minds away from receiving their pay cheques late or retrenched....Add again,the music injection that is administered to the down hearted,the low-esteemed and the down trodden, who all get lifted in the occasion and excitement of a PANORAMA.
    Wait Nah....yuh didn't know this thing called PANORAMA is a DRUG?

    The Government
    They need this so bad.....a NO PANORAMA is a dagger any sitting administration would have hell to live down......and this one more so giving the present industrial and economic climate.

    They need to recognize that they need this less than anyone else from an economic standpoint,because the average panman works for about $2.30 an hour and have to wait almost a year to get paid.
    The marjority of Steelbands lose money,to enrich those who have rell money.

    PANORAMA or NO PANORAMA....The STEELBANDS would decide.
    I want to remind Steelbands and Pannist,that Pan was not made for PANORAMA, but PANORAMA was made for Pan.Be WISE!

  • I think this new guy is making some sense. We need panorama to continue, it's fair, many who live abroad already planned their vacation and panorama is key to carnival. We can't have disgruntled group at this last hour hold panorama to ransom. Maybe a good time to eliminate steel-bands that show poor performance in the competition. We need to make panorama strong again. Players should get their money for 2016, but unfair to strike at this time since it's the same panmen in charge handling the money to distribute.

  • He is full of shit ! The pan players claim that if they do not receive their 2016 $1000 remittance fees and the removal of PanTrinbago Executive board there will be no 2017 Panorama period. Have some damn respect for the hard working pan players of T&T. 

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