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Kaisorama - Extempo & Freestyle Monarch Finals

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The Culture of Trinidad and Tobago - Live! 

Kaisorama - Extempo & Freestyle Monarch Finals -
Wednesday February 7, 2024. Time: 7:30 p.m. AST (Atlantic Standard Time).
Venue: Kai

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Well after a three year pause because of the pandemic When Steel Talks was again was back in the flesh at the

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The era of pan is truely over. Not only music wise but also in terms of FUBU and your work was not done until your neighbors work was done.

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Just finished up my most local sounding score to date. From soca to riddim section to steelpan, it was a lot of fun working on this  collaboration!

#filmcomposer #trinidadandtobago #tabancafilm

Portfolio --

Dike Sa

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1. Carl "Beaver" Henderson, Khrystal Wilson, Colin Lucas
2. Christopher Pinheiro, Maria Bhola-Paul
3. Carlton Zanda Alexander, Farmer Nappy
6. David Rudder, George Bailey, Ella Andall
7. Natalie Joseph-Settle, Wayne "Impulse" Modeste,
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