Panorama Semi-Finals 2016 - Desperadoes "Different Me"

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National Panorama Semi-Finals Live from the Queen's Park Savannah #triniweglobal Panorama Semi-Finals 2016 Desperadoes "Different Me" 1:10 Trinidad Carnival ...

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  • Thanks Despers and Zanda for joining and giving us a musical enlightenment. It is about time we get some "Difference" in the panorama, love it.

  • Wow , the intro starts with the basses and the the rhythm section and melodious
    Bases., cellos,yin- yangs and tenor bases all reminding us of the verse+chorus
    With great counter melodies.shades of Maestro Bradley(rip) are evident throughout this
    Strange song. Cutting edge stuff in many ways even for a band like Desperadoes.
    Carlton Z welcome on board this mighty musical train. You made a believer out of me
    After having some second thoughts.
  • THIS IS DESPERS>>>>>>>>>

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