Panorama Finals 2016 - Desperadoes: "Different Me"

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Band: Desperadoes Tune Of Choice: "Different Me" Arranger: Carlton "Zanda" Alexander

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  • can't stop them very nice,old Despers.

  • This performance was amazing!!! Despers had their own bubbling personality back. I'm a Phase 2 fan but Depers rose from the ashes of their past troubles and like true royalty reclaimed their throne. THEY WERE MAGNIFICENT!!! Zanda breathed new life into this band and it was a joy to see and hear. WELL DONE DESPERADOES - KINGS OF PANORAMA!!!
  • Boss arrangement by Zanda.

  • I am still waiting for a recording with good audio for this. I am afraid I will never hear it though.... :(
  • Fantastic Performance

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