This conference will draw on the experience of carnivalists, academics, students and enthusiasts to discuss pathways to reinstate Caribana as a global tour de force. Speakers from the USA (Prof. Andrew Martin), UK (Prof. Haroun Shah, the former UK’s Calypso Monarch, Alexander D Great, Érika Melek Delgado), Trinidad (Dr. Rudolph Ottley, Nestor Sullivan, Dr. Darrell Baksh), Costa Rica (Paul Lovejoy, Manuel Monestel) and a host of renowned artists from Canada such as Salah Wilson, Salmon Cupid, Roger Gibbs, Louis Saldenah, Ian Jones, Wayne Donawa, Ronald Shah, Kal Juman, Winston La Rose, Sam Lewis, Denise Challenger, Dadrien Brown, Tamika Johnson, Bruno Versa, Nikoli Attai and York’s ‘Trinidadian’ professors, Christopher Laird and David Trotman are among the main presenters. The meeting will be opened by the head of Winters College, Prof. John Mayberry and the tribute to the late Christopher Innes will be given by his wife, Dr. Brigitte Bogar (York University) who has worked both independently and with Prof. Innes on numerous projects including the 2008 conference and subsequent book, “Carnival: Theory and Practice”, (2012). (see York University Obituary;
Fresh from the success of the Notting Hill Carnival 2019, organizers in Toronto and London are hosting this meeting to address some of the recurrent problems, explore solutions based upon experiences from both sides of the Atlantic to ensure that these events, which represent more than 5 decades of work by the diaspora, are conserved for generations to come. The Conference/Exposition features panel discussions on the origins, achievements and current state of these art forms, relationships with state and community and the expositions would feature discussions on prospects for the future with a focus on the ongoing projects for documentation.
The conference requires no prior registration and is entirely free. All events between 26-28th September will take place at Founders College at York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3. The Subway is York University. The conference runs between 10am to 5pm daily with evening concerts at the end of each day. For further information please contact: Bruno Veras De Morais E Silva - Email: or simply turn up and register on site.