• Jun 30, 2019 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Location: Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton
  • Latest Activity: Mar 4, 2024

Sussex Steel is presenting a free afternoon of steelpan music in Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton.

Featuring Sussex Steel and invited guest steelbands, Pans in the Park is on Sunday, June 30, from 1pm to 6pm. The concert, sponsored by Littlehampton Town Council, will showcase the joy of steelpan.

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Sussex Steel is committed to increasing musical opportunities. Photo by Derek Martin DM1853630a

Sussex Steel is a charity created by individuals who are passionate about steelpan and committed to increasing musical opportunities for people in Sussex and beyond, with a goal to make steelpan accessible to everyone.

Take a picnic or buy something delicious from Mewsbrook Café, take a ride on the Littlehampton Miniature Railway, browse the items on sale at the craft stalls and enjoy a great afternoon of music.

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