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  • a musical event to celebrate the life of geraldine connor . artistes include marvin smith,ataklan, anne fridal,mavis john, redman, maurice brash mc, and many many more . i am looking for 100 persons to join me in a procession up the isle to''HOSANNA'' a wonderful piece from ''CARNIVAL MESSIAH'' and there will be 2 rehearsals which will be set on wst and fb next week. party for gerry to follow on the sunday 27th may. please join us in celebration of the life of my dearest friend geri and be a part of the joy that she brought to so many of our lives. carnival messiah family please get in touch with me so that we can make a grand affair of this occasion. geri is smiling and waiting in heaven for the next production of carnival messiah . let us be on our way to make this possible. friends and family be there.

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