Sunday Brunch featuring T&T Chinese Steel Ensemble
- Nov 25, 2018 from 11:00am to 3:00pm EST
- Location: Chaconia Hotel
- Description:
T&T Chinese Steel Ensemble and Los Cantos de Amor entertain at Sunday Brunch
-- Brunch served between 12 Noon and 2:00 p.m. - Created by: Pan Times
- Tags: brunch
Sunday, November 25, 2018 (5)
Rebroadcast of BSO's 2018 "Pan Is Sweet" Competition
- Nov 25, 2018 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm EST
- Location: WST-Online
- Description:
Oh Yeah...
When Steel Talks had the pleasure of providing technical support for the BSO “Pan Is Sweet” concert this past Spring when the event was captured through our production wing Basement Recordings. The show was considered one of the best music
- Created by: Pan Times
- Tags: rebroadcast, -, pan, is, sweet
Northern Region Elections, Pan Trinbago
- Nov 25, 2018 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm EST
- Location: Pandemonium Pan Yard, Belmont Circular
- Description:
All Single, Small, Medium and Large bands are invited to meet candidates who will be contesting the Northern Region Elections to be held on Team Improvement, lead by Clive Telemaque vying for the position of chairperson invite all to their launch on
- Created by: Allison Purcell
- Tags: meet the candidates. northern region pan trinbago
Northern Region Elections, Pan Trinbago
- Nov 25, 2018 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm EST
- Location: Pandemonium Steel Orchestra
- Description:
Candidates vying to represent all members of the Northern Region of Pan Trinbago in the upcoming regional elections. Team Improvement led by Clive Telemaque is having a "Meet and Greet" including entertainment from Pandemonium and Gonzales Sheikers S
- Created by: Clive Telemaque
- Tags: steelpan, northern, region, pan, trinbago, elections
Rescheduled -- Aviel Scanterbury Graduate Recital
- Nov 25, 2018 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST
- Location: George Mason University - Harris Theater
- Description:
Come hear some arrangements and compositions of mine!!! Featuring: Angel Bethea (dr), Benjamin Rikhoff (bass), Tomas Jackson (pno), Connor Holdridge (gtr), Andrew Velez (trp), Brendan Schnabel (t sax), Domenic Lewis (perc), Eljhaie Brathwaithe (perc)
- Created by: Pan Times
- Tags: graduate, recital