Gerry "Drums" Achee and Friends
Music Poetry, dances
Tickets $100.00 T&T
At the door $120.00 T&T
Greetings to my special WST friends. Here's a special invitation. If you are in the area, then it's possible you could attend. If not can you pass this message on to your friends in T&T. We are trying to change the vibrations in T&T to one of love, through sound vibrations of love of self, and Super Self. It's now vital to do this.
Gerry "Drums" Achee travels the globe playing his African drums. In T&T he is famous for putting on the "The Drums of Freedom" concert in St James annually, the second weekend after carnival is held.He did this for the last 40 years. Gerry and myself have got together to form a musical unit that will attempt at bring back the playing of African and East Indian drums along with steelpans and other musical instruments, With his chants of freedom and love, we hope to add melody lines. In this way the music becomes enchanting and with the vibrations of the Drums of our sweet T&T we hope to restore some minds with the sound vibrations.
Sound changes everything within and outside of us. The human mind is made up of sounds, as it contains ether, which carries the sound into the air waves."In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God and the WORD is God". The ancient sages and yogis knew this science and thus they created mantras- chants of words. In order to prepare the mind for meditation, we need to help change minds into more powerful sounds of love -the ultimate frequency in T&T and indeed the rest of the world, by returning to the drums. Drums remains the source of musical vibrations.