To create an event where youths can enjoy performing current music, meet and greet peers from other bands listen and enjoy steelpan music. This show will build a platform for young steelpan musician to showcase their talent and skill. This imitative will also foster a greater bond between Junior Steelbands across the country. This event is geared toward building a youth audience for future steelpan events.
VENUE: LH Pan Groove Pan Theatre
In 2015 LH Pan Academy hosted its first Youth in Steel Jamboree. We had a massive turn out, the entire community of La Horquetta and environs came to show their support to the young persons who performed on August 15th 2015. Four top Junior bands from along the east west corridor performed in the show- B.A.T.C.E Steel Orchestra, Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra, LH Pan Academy and Exocubs.
LH Pan Academy in collaboration with Pan Trinbago is proud to present its second annual Youth Steelpan Jamboree 2. Our Steel Pan Jamboree is geared towards highlighting the talent of our nation’s children. We have expanded the number of bands participating in this event.
*List of confirmed performances*
Representatives from the East
BATCE Steel Orchestra
LH Pan Academy
Representatives from Port of Spain
Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra
Starlift Junior Steel Orchestra
Representatives from the South
Golden Hands Junior Steel
San City Steel Orchestra
Guest Band
Fusion Steel
The invited bands will be asked to prepare 30 minutes of music. There will also be several special appearances by artist from within the community of La Horquetta.
The event will take place at our panyard located on Neville Jules Crescent Phase 5 La Horquett on Saturday 20th August at 2 PM.