2014 New York Panorama

I'm an Antiguan who used to play pan for Pan Rebels but decided to quit because the arrangers here in Brooklyn didn't impress me till last year. At the Bomb Competition 2012 i firmly believe that Despers USA won that competition hands down. That musical arrangement got me interested in playing pan once again. Then at Brooklyn College last December at the Carol and Classic, the arrangement of Oh Holy Night awoke the player in me. I inquired and found out that the arranger is a guy by the name of Pedro Alexander, who is the former captain of Blue Diamonds Steelband in Trinidad. . Now that's an arranger i will play for. My question is this; Why has Despers USA Never given this man a chance to arrange a panorama song for the band? I honestly believe that if Despers want to win a panorama again that is the gentleman they need to arrange their song. That band have gone away from the quality of music synonymous with Despers USA. This is just my opinion as a player and someone who have heard Despers from since they were winning six straight panoramas.

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  • I hear what u saying Cecil but I understand that this guy have been doing songs like that for the band siince the 1980's. How do you bypass someone who can arrange that quality of music? I also found out that he makes pans for the band..
    • I agree Lester Pedro is a great arranger pushed by the wrong people. I kno he has a mouth piece But I did hear that a new band from Grenada was coming out called Spice isle or Grenada Spice. Maybe they are interested?
      • First off, to the person who posted this, i have no idea who Lester is and i have no idea about any Grenada band. Pedro can tell you who i am because i taught him music for 30 years. That's why i finally decided to ask why he has never gotten the chance to do a panorama song all these years. He knows that i posted this on here so you can ask him about it. Before you falsely accuse someone else of posting this, please get your facts straight. Ask Pedro Alexander and he will tell you i informed him that i was going to post this on his behalf. As for being his mouthpiece, if you know Pedro like i do then you know he needs no one to speak for him..

  • Wilson,

    This always happen with steelbands, Boogsie  was in the same position at one time so he left the band and started Phase ll. Most unknown arrangers do have to wait on their big brake because there is always more arrangers than bands.

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