Antigua & Barbuda, W.I. - To borrow a properly quip “Were you there?” If not, you missed an engaging event. One of three Pan Competitions held nationally, a staple in our creative arts and entertainment calendar. Seven steelbands, performing Christmas classics this year in Calypso tempo showcasing the creativity of our arrangers and the versatility of the only instrument created in the 20th century and in the Caribbean. It was a good evening with the right mix of good performances and opportunities to social and network.
The disappointments: Dean William Lake Party lot was not packed, lots of room for many more of us. This was difficult to understand – so many persons involved in the arts, in music, in performing yet so little support across events. An event that has been a staple on the Annual entertainment calendar – November equals Mood of Pan season. That Gemonites could have done more to publicize cannot be denied, however, for years now we continue to rob the event of the support it deserves. To compound the lack of support – despite Ministry of Tourism being a sponsor, our visiting guests were not present to enjoy quality local cultural performances.
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