UWI Research In Action
Trinidad Express
The traditional method of manufacturing the steel-pan included ‘dishing out’ a bowl from a 55 gallon oil drum and hammering out the notes. Notes are then marked and grooved out. To make a steel-pan the craftsman first chooses the drum, then finds and marks its centre. Next, the flat surface of the oil drum is sunk using a series of hammers of decreasing weight until the surface resembles that of a concave bowl. Sinking the drum is followed by counter sinking; grooving the steel-pan, by using a dull punch to avoid bursting of the surface; cutting the drum; cutting the skirt length; burning the pan to temper the steel, making notes more resonant; tuning the steel-pan; then finally blending the steel-pan.
This hand-forming method is very time-consuming, noisy, and labour intensive. It can also be dangerous. A craftsman can damage his hearing sinking a drum, if he is not careful. Prof Winston Lewis explains that these problems could be solved by mechanising the sinking process, and replacing it with a simple stretch-forming process performed on a hydraulic press. What would usually take hours of hammering by hand would now take only a few minutes and produce the mechanical and metallurgical properties specified by the craftsman.
“Since I started my research work into the mechanization of the manufacturing process some thirty years ago the rest of the world has embraced the instrument and started manufacturing it,” Prof Lewis observed. As foreign investors and researchers gained interest in manufacturing the steel pan, more innovative and cost effective methods were developed and tested to make the steel-pan a viable product. Already, researchers have proposed and tested new manufacturing methods such as Spin forming, Flow forming, Aqua forming, and Marforming. Although these manufacturing methods have been in existence for some time, their potential advantages have only recently been realised in the fabrication of the steel-pan. Prof Lewis’ research focuses on adapting the Spin forming and Marforming processes in particular for application in steel pan manufacturing.
“One of my dreams is to see pan in every school,” Prof Lewis said, “To do that, you have to mass produce.” Mechanisation would make this possible. It could also reduce the price of steel drums, bringing them within the reach of more people.
Still, according to Prof Lewis, mechanisation techniques are not being fully exploited locally. Professor Lewis believes there is an opportunity for local businesses to draw from the research already conducted at UWI to develop the manufacturing process.
Views: 433
An "Impregnator Press" of the 4ths & 5ths technology design, has already been "Derived / Created / Assembled" and Patented, by Leslie Michael Jordan CEO of SNSE, for and in the name of "Williams" , available manufactured press will be distributed and sold at due cost, in time...
Good work Prof, I sure a press can groove and sink a pan in one shot.