- By Lennox Grant
LET Carnival pass, and let us pray that some juju force invoked by a Jouvert devil not foul up the plans and hopes of Minister Nyan Gadsby-Dolly.
For Carnival and forensic audit just don't go together.
Still, “Forensic Audit” imprints the banner of this new “presentation” in the name of the Culture Minister. Her ministerial mas promises a phantom portrayal of a power regime hovering over Carnival 2017.
In that theatrical rollout, Pan Trinbago is primarily targeted, but with other “special interests” and agencies in turn threatened with unsparing attention. We of the Carnival culture can picture the answers that the forensic bandleader Minister claims to want to find.
Some of us may even predict the outcome, after the hit squad of red pencil-armed auditors descends upon what's left by Ash Wednesday of Pan Trinbago's hard drives and soft copies. Not since Patrick Manning razed the Queen's Park Savannah Grand Stand, and put Port of Spain mas “on the road” (where his pastor lady judged it belongs), has Carnival felt such a hand of active government. That episode apart, the Carnival role familiarly scripted for government has been that of funder of first and last resort.
Auditors hit squad descends on Carnival...http://www.trinidadexpress.com/20170128/editorial/auditors-hit-squa...
Plight Of My People by Lady Gypsy
T&T, a camp follower of the American way in other respects, effectively draws a line at criminal justice. “For legal delays,” Mr Wilson wrote, “T&T must be a world beater.”
A truth for FORUMITES to remember before they continuously post their emotionally loaded opinions!!!