Minister of Culture, Minister of Tourism in T&T it's about time you all take the lead in promoting the National Instrument as part of our National Festival.
Read more…Minister of Culture, Minister of Tourism in T&T it's about time you all take the lead in promoting the National Instrument as part of our National Festival.
Read more…Both ah dem putting up all kinda complicated topics delivered by some long and complex passages. But I eh really worried because none ah dem eh talking about MAKING PAN MUSIC FOR THE GLOBAL MARKET. And, as you know, that is all I REALLY CARE ABOUT.
Read more…Verse 1
A pan man come out and telling me flat
“Is too much ah years, I really not taking that...”
“All the rumors of skull that people say
Dat Pan Trinbago was in
And how much mil-lion dol-lar debts they are in...”
His cry is “What dat have to do w
Now, I am not about to give RUSSELL PROVIDENCE all the credit for my enlightenment (unlike meh pardner GREGORY LINDSAY). Because I have always had my suspicions and expressed them. For example, I have always asked: Where is the music????????
Read more…Comparing the 1979 boycott with a boycott of Panorama 2018 is comparable to the following graphic example.
The 1979 boycott was a SWEET
Read more…It would be interesting to find out what is the CIP plan moving forward.
Read more…Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has appealed to the society at all levels to get rid of the “gimme gimme” mentality and return to the spirit of volunteerism. It’s a most timely message given
Read more…Today Dec 1st 2017, my dear Mom is celebrating her 99th birthday. I got up this morning after giving thanks and praises called my mother to wish her a happy birthday. She is doing well, all of my family wishes her the very best. We thank the Almighty
Read more…So some people are only now pretending to know about corruption in PAN TRINBAGO and the rest of the country. Quite HYPOCRITICAL!!!
VOTE FOR THE CIP -- they have promised to be honest!!!
Read more…Pan Trinbago in my opinion has to metamorphosize, as it just cannot continue in its present form and structure, it's terms of reference must change. It's composition and purpose has to be expanded.
the TADPOLE must go through a process of metamorphos
Read more…It is time for a Revolution at the World Governing Body for Pan, Pan Trinbago Inc. The revolution DOES NOT involve violence or weapons, but one that brings about change of thought and attitude regarding the role of elected executive members when it c
Read more…You should write a letter (proposal) to Colin Lucas outlining your PAN ON THE ROAD FOR CARNIVAL PROJECT. Mr. Lucas is a very approachable man (and a regular guy, despite his life successes) who we all know has been directly involved in the CULTURE of
Read more…2 Days Ago
Read more…The thing is , focusing solely on corruption in Pan Trinbago , without an overall, comprehensive plan for the future of the steelband may create great conversation on fora such as WST ,but I think it is not necessarily as productive as we would hope
You cannot be running up and down the country looking for obeah VOTES and then coming on the forum and saying that you NOT INTO POLITICS. And you just cannot come on the FORUM when you want to distribute your CAMPAIGN PROPAGANDA.
And allyuh supposed
Read more…Added by Barbados Today on November 3, 2017.
Imagine at 14-years-old you are the holder of multiple medals in martial arts, essay competitions a steelpan player with the Mosaic Steel Orchestra, a member of Girl Guides, and a semi-finalist in the Rich
Read more…I will continue to advocate, Panorama in addition to being the cash cow of the movement, as the highlight of any panman's career, as the most important vehicle for the steel band, the best opportunity available to any steel,band to showcase their mar
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