At this point in my life I've become reluctant to give advice , because I've learnt the advice given in good faith is often not taken.
However , if I could make a suggestion to my steelpan brethren in T&T , I would tell them to calm down and allow the process to proceed as established.
Calmness , patience and strategy should be their watchwords.
By that I mean they should concentrate on finding quality candidates for the executive positions , advertise and promote them and using the election process to take power.
What we call "retail politics".
Alternative methods i.e. legal and physical confrontations just cause stress and anger , and put pan people's money in the pockets of lawyers, and their affairs on the streets ,up to public ridicule.
Once power is attained , changes to the mandate , constitution and/or by-laws can be reviewed , and changes made.
From within the organization !
Just some though from an old ex-pat !