What a forum!!! I really thought that there was some semblance of seriousness about PAN on this forum. I always railed against the sentimentality from time to time but I did not realize that it was as ingrained  and as prone to gullibility and as reflexive as recently displayed.

I thought that PAN MEN getting paid for 2016 was the top priority for this forum. Suddenly the PRESIDENT is a SAINT and PAN MEN are just too dumb and greedy to wait until FRIDAY to cash a check. And that will be a BIG SURPRISE to me if the checks DO CLEAR on Friday.

Somebody should just sit at their computer and type a magical sentence to make the PRESIDENT well again so that he could return quickly to his MAJESTIC RULE of PAN TRINBAGO.



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  • Bugs the can't make Diaz ah test, the men bringing in the guns and drugs doing more damage.

  • merrytones, you and oswald are good and faithful friends of the President and I like how you stood up for him in mist of this firestorm. However Ms Dolly seem to have a pretty good idea of the depth of the skim. [ she party in his house]

    About new people, I KNOW there are still ethical people in T&T, it's just pan people have to learn to choose them.

    • "You like how I stood up for him in the mist of this firestorm?"...(wrong word though ...it's midst)
      Cecil I don't want you to like anything I say or do...because left up to people like you bands like mine don't stand a chance...but unlike you I doh need support to call a spade a spade...so go ahead and pong meh....ah expecting it... Look yuh done start with Dolly...how she party in Diaz house...who business here is that?...the present situation needs more concrete discussion and solution than this trite "fatigue" nonsense allyuh on...Ah glad some of you safe behind yuh computers and could type anything and feel yuh get away with it...but I lining here in the mire and have to deal with dying bands and waning morals...would that more of us be more responsible...

      • Thanks for the correction Bro, we live in the world of social media where we see and hear things as it happens.  I know I don't have to like like anything you say, but this is what people do on a open forum it's called being civil.

        I, like many other expats pay attention to the large bands because everything is centered around them.  If you find I need support to call a spade a spade what can I say?  that's how you feel.

        As for Ms Dolly parting by the Prez. it was on social media, this is not braking news and it was used to establish the lifestyle he enjoys at the expense of pan people.

        The world is being run by people on sell phones and computers this is the time we are living in.

  • Fellas... allyuh taking this thing too far yuh know...allyuh so hateful that allyuh cyah read into meh sarcasm above....I can't grovell and rejoice in a man getting a heart attack like allyuh...sorry...I knew the real deal about Diaz’ “medical emergency” since early yesterday morning. I had nothing to say untill now. I sat here all day watching all who say “he faking” “ he looking for sympathy”…Allyuh fuh real boy?…I sure some of ah alluyuh on this discussion board is big ole people in the winter of all yuh friggin days add know dat people could tell yuh “ah comin back now” and braps…jess so…fall dong and dead…
    I know Diaz lil bit over the years and maybe he teef from allyuh and we don't know...but he never teef from me...He has always been a friend to my band over the years, long long before Pan Trinbago Presidency, making sure to speak at every closing ceremony of our "Learn to Play Pan" courses. Yuh could go ahead and say that I/we in league with him too...but that is ok...I would expect nothing better...because clearly a lot of you don't think before you make public statements here...
    If Diaz and co. do wrong over the years they did wrong because WE allow them to...and by WE I ram eferring too this carnival mentality we have where anything is anything unless it belongs to me...We don't ever put checks and balances in place to safeguard against anyhowness and when people do what they really and truly are expected to...we vex...
    Laugh at Keith Diaz all yuh want, ah waiting to see who making meaningful change to the anyhowness…yuh feel the Dolly and dem will hand-pick a group of honest people to take over? Once the “govament” get Panorama to appease the expats and others all is well with Carnival…I will say it again….given the present scenario, and to teef College Boy words recently “is only a friggin mad man will consider Panorama at this time”…Unless there is radical change in attitude towards “doing the job responsibly”…is more Diaz for allyuh to give heart attack in we pweffen…

  • EXTRA!! EXTRA!!... READ ALL ABOUT IT!!...DIAZ FAKES HEART ATTACK!!...Ah wonder if he atill coming to the re-convened meeting on Tuesday still?...

    • Someone in authority better collect his passport.


      • The Prez will be side-lined for a few weeks and we are askin the NCC to make sure that the Grand Stand is wheelchair accessible so he can enjoy panorama from the VIP lounge with his big shot friends.

        • Cecil an Internet feed to stream the Panorama in his jail cell is the best he should hope for.  


          • bugs corruption is an acceptable crime in the Mecca, nobody never make ah jail for corruption in T&T, If they start jailing people for corruption nuff politicians and top notch business men will have to go "up the river" lol so they laugh it off. Rolly Polly could be the next PM.

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