A Message of Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra

'TO ALL MEMBERS: Thank you for all your hard work and support in 2016.

From carnival through to Constellations 1 & 2, you stood solidly and loyally together to keep the flag of Trinidad All Stars flying high. While recent events in the steel pan world have raised questions about carnival 2017, we wish to confirm at this time that Trinidad All Stars will be participating in carnival activities as usual.

Our preparation for Carnival 2017 begins at 7:30pm on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 at the panyard. Our panorama arranger for 2017 is our champion, Leon Edwards, the Smoothman as well call him. Now more than ever, our mission is not simply to win competition, but to bring much needed joy and relief to a nation besieged by negative news daily. Let us rally together to make our nation smile again, the way we do it - through Discipline, Dedication, and Magnificence!

Trinidad All Stars Management'

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  • Such big hearts, we love you all. I believe where there is darkness, somewhere and someday the light will shine through. Peace. Thank you

  • I now find this All Stars statement confusing....Is the band in favour of Panorama at any cost?...Or the "Pandrome" nonesense...will they support tomorrow's proposed picket line too?...

  • De dog will soon wag its tail......don't say that I did not warn you all
  • But A...A...a thought Dane Gulston say it eh havin' no Panorama if monies owed from 2016 not paid?...all the talk he talk at the meeting on the 28th...how come he couldn't convince the All Stars faithful to boycott?...ah wonder if he playin' up front this year as usual?...

    • merrytonestothebone: One set ah hypocrites, eh. All Diaz have to do is promise one man ah trip to Spain or Japan and to give ah next man ah bag ah cocaine and ALL MAN SHUT UP and READY TO PLAY IN THE PANORAMA.

      All this forum cares about is PANORAMA. PAN MEN had Diaz to hang and they choose to capitulate and let him off the hook. Once these forumites get dey Panorama and dey death notices and dey birthday announcements that is their 100% relationship to PAN. And as soon as PANORAMA done they will come back talking about what some mystical, non-existent messiah SHOULD DO to PROGRESS PAN.

      Press some keys on a keyboard merrytonestothebone and you could fix all the PAN PROBLEMS in the world!

      • Mama when dey hear dey go get Panorama

        All striking Panmen tun beast....

        lol...finish it for meh...

        • And they start to jump around

          Cecil start to tumble down

          Til he fall down on the ground

          If yuh see how they gay

          But what will be so comical

          In the midst of bacchanal

          Pan will play

          And Pan Man still eh go get pay

          • ha ha ha


          • ...and the funny thing is...that was an All Stars Panorama win too...lol

    • Merrytones this a players movement. 


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