So you all should contact him and seek his ADVICE, LIFETIME DEVOTION TO PAN and ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS -- if you are serious about this GLOBAL PAN DAY TING!!!

I left out "AND THE ENTIRE WORLD" in my heading!!! (WST did not give me enough SPACE for my HEADING!!!)

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  • I concur.

    However, I believe it is necessary to have a reason for any celebration, or cause to set aside a special day or date. I would be inclined to suggest August 15th as opposed to August 11th, and give Mr. Gittens all the credit for his fertile suggestion, I would even suggest a national award if he may be so inclined.

    Why August 15th?

    The modern steelband can trace its official launch (for want of a better term) to VE Day (May 8th or 9th 1945), the day that the Allies accepted Germany's unconditional surrender in WW II, and citizens were permitted to express their joy by dancing in the streets to the rhythmic sound of steel after being confined by the rules of engagement of war for years. World war II did not end until August 15th when Imperial Japan surrendered. VJ day quite likely attracted hoards to the streets (again) as described by the pioneers. 

    August 15th is conveniently placed in the bosom of Steelband Month, it lies smack between Emancipation and Independence ( as suggested). It is quite likely that this date may lend more weight to any argument for proclamation as the day Pan as we know it, officially became a way of life in Trinidad. 


      Ah doh know why ah LUV YOU SO!!!


      AUGUST 15TH -- run yuh run!!!

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