Just for the record: That 31 million in debt on the PAN TRINBAGO books is not really a BIG DEAL.
Debt is negotiable!!! So when Gregory Lindsay and his crew take over PAN TRINBAGO they could probably whittle that down to about 10 million dollars. If they know how to harness the sentimentality of the EXPAT COMMUNITY they could easily produce some music for that audience and wipe out the remaining debt in a year.
The biggest problem is still the merrytonestothebone question: WHO??????
I don't think that there is any "WHO" in the swamp to take the movement forward!!!
What is needed is a GLOBAL VIEW coupled with ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS. And it might take another 25 years to turn on that LIGHT BULB down in the MECCA.
The bottom line is that every society evolves at its own pace. So we can't sit in foreign and dictate the pace at which PAN and PAN TRINBAGO should move forward IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!
Cecil hinkson > Claude GonzalesMarch 26, 2017 at 10:52am
T&T has many competent people that could do the job but it is not a job that's attractive to most because of how they view the steelband, they don't like the music so there is no enthusiasm.
It's true the debt can be reduced but why go through all the changes when there is an opportunity to start over. There is no rule that says steelbands have to remain members of Pan Trinbago forever.
The broad daylight gangta-ism of the executive mixed in with the immediacy of now and wide reach caused by social media platforms like the wst forum and facebook is what has caused the call for the removal of the executive. These gangstas now have global popularity with only local reach. All of Rolly Polly's dreams of becoming an international star has been canceled. He and the other execs have become an embarrassment to Trinidad and Tobago. This is something College Boy understood. Rolly Polly and D'Photo still have not grasped it yet. They won't know what even hit them.
bugs: I am starting to think that college boy is your first cousin!!! You are always promoting this former executive of PAN TRINBAGO as some kind of ALTAR BOY when in fact he was just another opportunist PIMPING THE PAN just like all the other PAN TRINBAGO executives -- PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE!!!
College boy might indeed be worst the Rolly Polly and D'Photo. And he is definitely not an Altar Boy.
I'm just reminding you that regardless of which genre of movie you are watching (Western, Gangsta, War or Love Story as Merrytones put it) the College boy always makes it to end of the movie and he is doing well. All the others are become damaged good or end up dead.
Look how they going after Gregory, the Honorable Doctor and the NCC. Not ah bad word about College Boy.
Just for the record: That 31 million in debt on the PAN TRINBAGO books is not really a BIG DEAL.
Debt is negotiable!!! So when Gregory Lindsay and his crew take over PAN TRINBAGO they could probably whittle that down to about 10 million dollars. If they know how to harness the sentimentality of the EXPAT COMMUNITY they could easily produce some music for that audience and wipe out the remaining debt in a year.
The biggest problem is still the merrytonestothebone question: WHO??????
I don't think that there is any "WHO" in the swamp to take the movement forward!!!
What is needed is a GLOBAL VIEW coupled with ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS. And it might take another 25 years to turn on that LIGHT BULB down in the MECCA.
The bottom line is that every society evolves at its own pace. So we can't sit in foreign and dictate the pace at which PAN and PAN TRINBAGO should move forward IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!
T&T has many competent people that could do the job but it is not a job that's attractive to most because of how they view the steelband, they don't like the music so there is no enthusiasm.
It's true the debt can be reduced but why go through all the changes when there is an opportunity to start over. There is no rule that says steelbands have to remain members of Pan Trinbago forever.
Cecil: All the old men on this forum will die and leave THE PAN SITUATION the way it is today!!!
There is no reason why we can't talk about it before we go.
yep, it is a question I have had for a while now.
Bugs, what's all the big thing about removing the executive about?
Cecil: Office, salaries, allowances, honorariums, power, travel, women -- that is what everybody wants!
The broad daylight gangta-ism of the executive mixed in with the immediacy of now and wide reach caused by social media platforms like the wst forum and facebook is what has caused the call for the removal of the executive. These gangstas now have global popularity with only local reach. All of Rolly Polly's dreams of becoming an international star has been canceled. He and the other execs have become an embarrassment to Trinidad and Tobago. This is something College Boy understood. Rolly Polly and D'Photo still have not grasped it yet. They won't know what even hit them.
bugs: I am starting to think that college boy is your first cousin!!! You are always promoting this former executive of PAN TRINBAGO as some kind of ALTAR BOY when in fact he was just another opportunist PIMPING THE PAN just like all the other PAN TRINBAGO executives -- PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE!!!
College boy might indeed be worst the Rolly Polly and D'Photo. And he is definitely not an Altar Boy.
I'm just reminding you that regardless of which genre of movie you are watching (Western, Gangsta, War or Love Story as Merrytones put it) the College boy always makes it to end of the movie and he is doing well. All the others are become damaged good or end up dead.
Look how they going after Gregory, the Honorable Doctor and the NCC. Not ah bad word about College Boy.