
  • Ska!!!

    • Andre: Like YUH OLD, BOY!!!

      • Mento (patterned on calypso from T&T) predated and preceded Ska, which in turn preceded Reggae.  Yes, I am not that young, lol...

  • Claude, we have witnessed scenes like this before and the protests do serve a purpose. However, we as black people must be aware of our history. I recently was "woke" by listening to Anthony Browder. I encourage you and others to view the link: You may have to move back to the beginning of the interview.

    • Thanks for the link, LENNOX!!!

      Personally, I have been fascinated about HUMAN EVOLUTION since I was about 17 and have continued to read on the topic for my whole life. But getting that message about the ONE RACE and AFRICAN HUMAN ORIGINS out to the world is going to be a LONG, SLOW PROCESS. 

      I always felt that the subject should be taught to CHILDREN in all schools across the world from a very early age -- BUT SOCIAL EVOLUTION TRUMPS THAT!!!

      LONG STORY!!!

      • Claude, I want you to take a look at the "timeline" created by Dr. Browder. I believe that we need to make black people realize that our origins did not start with slavery and African people developed African culture many, many years before Europeans. This timeline should be in every school in T&T.  Please scroll back to the start....

  • Well Mr. Colin Kaepernick did ask very peacefully for everyone to take a knee. For his efforts he was thrown out of the league and blackballed. 

    America still has will not learn. Just listen to the recent statements made by Drew Brees.

    Even after this video of the murder of  Philando Castile below they ignored  Kaepernick.


  • Sir:

    Where do WE go from here?  There is only one place to go, Big Bud. And that is UP.

    It is the piss-poor low calibre of the 45 that brought America to its knees.  And I'd say, shamefully so.

    A pack of cigarettes and an (alleged?) counterfeit $20 bill will (hopefully) bring (some welcome) change to America.

    Of most importance, ... I trust that you are comfortably ensconced in your California bunker.

    Without you, the WST forum is rudderless.  So, do stay safe & healthy, Claudius. 

    • Dr. Delight: This is what I feel like when I have to reply to you (most times)!!! You are THE DON and I am LUCA!!!

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