"I can't speak for anyone else, but I have a responsibility to my band, my players, my colleagues, friends and constituents of my region and by extension the Steelpan community to get answers and resolutions to the matters at hand. I didn't come here to start a war. As a matter of FACT I prefer to see a peaceful outcome to everything and I will not rest until the matters are settled and Steelbands and players can be comfortable once again."

I am starting to think that this fellah Marcus Ash-Tray understands some things that MOST TRINIDADIANS don't understand. And that is that you do not need to form 10 and 20 and 30 MAN ORGANIZATIONS with 100 TITLES to bring about change!!!

Ah have to MISMANAGE (TIEF) the man words now: I can't speak for anyone else, but I have a responsibility to myself to fight for PAN PROGRESS in TRINIDAD and to get the LOCAL MOVEMENT motivated to fight the GLOBAL PAN BATTLE to take PAN MUSIC and LIVE STEELBAND PERFORMANCE to THE WORLD!!!

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