Sandra L Blood
(Active member of Renegades)
Maybe not Renegades’ year…the Creator sends messages
(An international educational piece)
Crash landed, put out, not their season, ‘robbed’, ‘humbled’, disturbed or committed suicide; whichever the thought, description or reality…Renegades’ spirit battles with its Panorama fatality in the wake of the lethal bomb dropped on the competition semi-finals’ night. In its wake, shrapnel and dust to take toll, while, Pan Trinbago apologized and promised better conditions from 2012…and life continues!
The old adage: “Be careful what you wish for”, the title of one of the 2011 Calypso Monarch winner’s renditions; did Renegades ‘wish’ for bad when they dabbled in “…deadly, lethal and fatal? Were we ready but voluntarily walked into an open line of fire, or?
Mindful that a competition Finals is owned by no one, the fact remains, the band came to compete to expectation, not to compete against any dilatory tactics, or simultaneous music.
At a particular time of a particular night, in rapt attention, supporters, enemies, critics, aficionados – worldwide – and fellow competitors were locked into the strains of perfect harmony, that a few hours following, beliefs, perceptions, facts and fictions, all made imperfect harmony, as tongues wagged, trying to decipher what really caused the band in front East Dry River, Port of Spain, to experience its first, real Panorama failure for over two decades…resulting in a legal battle; an ‘indictment’ against the world governing body for Pan?
In retrospect, it was on February 20th, when Pan Trinbago proudly hosted their first Carnival 2011 savannah showing of pan greats called the semi-finals rounds, when five adjudicators set out to look for a serial killer – disturbance or no disturbance.
‘Who we think will destroy this place tonight?’ ‘Lethal weapons and murders already on an all-time high; we don’t want any of that in our ‘party’; nothing to mash up this Savannah except “Advantage”.
A serial killer, another “Buffalo Bill” on the loose – Renegades! As if to revisit “The Silence of the Lamb”, where “Buffalo Bill” will slaughter his victims whose “bodies will eventually turn up floating in the river.”….nine musical bodies of slaughtered Panorama victims to be found floating in the East Dry River, maybe, should they make it to finals?
Mash up indeed, as with high miscibility, the combination: Renegades and “their Panorama tune, How we coming”, was a musical combustion and detonator. Pan lovers that evening, from Memorial Park, to the “greens” to the Stands, went crazy. Local and foreign expert musicians and world renowned adjudicators as well, even former Panorama judges, echoing similar thoughts on the well-orchestrated, well-thought-out and executed composition. Bemused…how in the name of peace, did the in-house adjudicators interpret and weigh the various works that night?
Doing their personal adjudicating, from the Grand, North Stands and television, respectively, apart from the laid-down criteria (of which they are familiar), they took into account the performance errors, and the flaws of the arrangements within the simplistic works and compared them to those similarly heard within Renegades’ intricate work, measuring against the adverse effect of their involuntary lengthy delay and the unauthorized musical intervention. They drew comparisons, reaching an impressive score.
So powerful is the priceless antique – sixty-three year old, nine-time Panorama champs, only band to win a hat-trick and only band where its junior band, historically, wears the crown for two hat-tricks. A
band feared, a band to be reckoned with, a band continuously watched and scrutinized from all quarters of the globe with eagle eye – Renegades!
With that artillery load, the possibility exists where, at any cost, it’s time to ‘take them down!’
Take in front, before in front take us! Judges are powerful beings. They can lead you anywhere.
Perusing the performance remarks, I pondered: how can five astute experts reach such different concepts of the same composition all using the same laid-down criteria? My best guess is that it all boils down to environmental conditions, interpretation, preferences, where the mind was at the given moment. Conflicting remarks raised concerns: ■Just when “some work” was said to be needed to ‘motivic’ development”, it is “good use of motifs.” ■“V. Good development of melodic fragment.” “Perhaps more use of melodic fragments could have been made.” ■“a pretty short intro.” “Quite an appropriate introduction.” ■”Need some more work on the actual engine room…”, “The engine room was well explored to add to the excitement of your interpretation.” Explanations sought!
Many viewed Renegades as “sore losers” and “sour grapes”, but in recognizing Respect in its entirety, the burning question lingers: Who were those treacherous patrons at the savannah?
Renegades’ recourse:
As cited in the newspaper, the plea is: “Pan Trinbago failed to ensure that any competing sounds were silenced or sufficiently silenced before or while the orchestra was performing.” This prompted a series of fruitless discussions with Pan Trinbago, fueling an injunction that also proved fruitless, seeing Judge Maureen Rajnauth-Lee throwing out the plea on the eve of Panorama finals.
Beyond a reasonable doubt – a reality:
To win any legal battle, especially on technicalities, speaks to acquiring the appropriate representation and providing substantiating evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, but the battle continues.
Pan Trinbago’s Justifications, Reasons, Excuses, Plans:
In “Renegades stay out”, March 5, 2011, Jada Loutoo reports on Pan Trinbago’s vice president, Bryon Serrette: “…this year since the erection of the North and Grand Stands were still a work in progress up to the semi-finals, there were security issues and although persons were not allowed to enter the venue with equipment, some managed to sneak in.”
“On the night of semi-finals, persons playing music were asked to stop playing when they saw a band approach the stage, but as the night drew on they appeared to have disregarded those instructions.”
“This has happened for the first time and it will not happen again. Stringent measures will be put in place so we do not have the situation next year.”
Cited in March 14th Newsday’s “Pan Trinbago reviews DJs”: “Over time we allowed certain things to happen. Next year we want to ensure no unwanted persons would be allowed to enter the venue. The only DJ that is supposed to be at the venue is the DJ to play the *selection of the bands.” said Pan Trinbago’s secretary, Richard Forteau. (*the bands’ selections)
“We have a product and people have grown accustomed to enjoying themselves in a certain way. But it is a steel pan competition and we want patrons to appreciate this. While we want them to enjoy themselves, we also do not want them to impede on the competition.”
Being interviewed on CNMG’s First Up, early-morning talk show on March 23rd, president Keith Diaz claimed to be “not one hundred percent happy with how ‘things’ went at the Savannah for Panorama” when questioned about how he felt with regards “a band or some bands’ ” unhappiness over disturbances during their performance.“Panorama is a big lime and all over the world, people
saying they are coming to Trinidad to Panorama….that’s where the lime is. What should we do…change the lime?”
Out of bad cometh good:
Having viewed the experience open-mindedly and objectively, I realize that there is a bright, educational panscape that awaits the world. Respective stakeholders have taken stock of many areas that were either taken for granted or escaped them. The Renegades dilemma actually evolved into a school of behavioural science causing people to look at themselves and how they do things. Stakeholders realize there is dire need to improve upon social, professional and strategic practices. The court matter, which is still on the way, ought to prove a most empowering tool.
Taking all the negative fallouts into account, in an attempt to help all and sundry, internationally, who are paining, disappointed, angry, grieving or wishing ill, to move forward stronger and positively, the following are provided.
Renegades…getting over the hump (Reflection and Motivation):
1) From a natural standpoint: As similar to the earth’s rotation on its axis – daylight, twilight, night and dawn are experienced. Some parts of the universe, however, experience longer daylights than other parts.
Education…in life, everyone and everything experiences similar and so to, does Renegades.
The band is proud to apprise of its daylight days. It has experienced twilight having now moved to night. With proper self-actualization, proper planning and good structure, daylight will be quickly seen on the horizon.
2) The heart line: As similar to the heart line; levels or situations in life fluctuate up and down, and so will Renegades. It signifies being alive.
Education …the eagle: Before soaring higher it descends to gain momentum for upward mobility, and the indicators that validate a dead state, whether from a high or low point, are complacency and remaining at one level…stagnation.
3) Failure, humiliation, embarrassment or pain: These ills are deliberately designed to help generate renewed strength and power. We need to tap in to our willpower.
Education …out of pain, failure, humiliation or embarrassment, comes grit and strength, and that lack of willpower or its presence determines whether we will fail or accomplish our desires and ambitions and attain success. It is imperative to take care of our well-being.
4) Selflessness and appreciation: Integral lessons coming out of the Renegades dilemma were the power and advantages of being selfless and appreciative…thank God for the mercies he bestowed upon us, and wish the finalists well.
Education …it takes a big and powerful mind to live and let live. Allow others to enjoy, even if it’s once, the pleasure of victory. Think clean thoughts and say nice words for there are great rewards to follow.
5) Moving forward - Closure: True champions stand up for their Rights, but usually take the bitter with the sweet once thought to be well justified. Renegades hosted a beautiful Panorama Finals lime at the yard and enjoyed the show, with a view, to bring closure to and acceptance of its position.
The band has done its post mortem with findings to be worked on.
Education…..Members were motivated and guided upon some key principles to dealing with success, failure and readying self for returned success these, to be built upon.
Pan Trinbago:
1) Competition: “Competition impacts on economic, well-being and social life”. There are times when we host, engage and/or participate in competitions without a clue as to how it impacts life or relationships with others….sacrifices and compromises are made.
Extracted from “On Competition and Well-Being (October 2006)”:
Education … “There are several reasons why it is important to investigate the relationship between competition and well-being. Well-being and happiness are undoubtedly central goals in human life. “Beyond direct consequences of competition on well-being there are potentially also derived consequences. As argued by Bowles (1998), the experience of competition may have an effect on people’s social values. More specifically, interacting under competition may change people’s disposition towards others and, in particular, towards those individuals they have encountered in the interaction (and may meet again in the future).”
2) Guidance and motivation: It is big, it is nice, and always helps to accept good guidance and motivation.
Six weeks following Panorama semi-finals – February 20th, 2011 – Renegades and others, worldwide, are still reeling from something that could have been avoided, given better management for which, your organization has publicly apologized. We have taken note!
Not only did Renegades experience a wrath, but also did the National Carnival Committee, innocently.
As caregivers to the artform, it is imperative that we make concerted efforts to right the wrongs and continue functioning on a right path, no matter the event.
We know it is hard work, it is challenging, but whereby, every steelband will not qualify to a higher round of the competition, we must be mindful to not have any non-competing physical or human aspect of the venue be viewed as a contributor to a competitor’s disquiet or failure.
The competition is undoubtedly, one of the best musical events in the world. We want it to grow from strength to strength, and produce as many champions as possible, but Renegades comes with its share of mental and psychological strains, being cognizant of its position as record-holder of second highest first place wins and only hat-trick champs. As such, you are hereby urged, as president of the World’s Governing Body for Pan, to ensure your support system ‘has your back’ in everything that is done, as lack of control or proper management serves a heavy blow to reputation, brand and legacy.
If they care, they will respect! So too will patrons.
As cited in Raffique Shah’s piece “Thanks for the Panorama music” February 27, 2011, Guardian with reference to the respect or lack there-of DJs have for pan: “They (DJs) “are pushing them off the road, now they are pushing them off the stage.”
While, Theodore Guerra argued before Her Worship Maureen Jagnauth-Lee on Renegades’ behalf saying …“even Pan Trinbago admitted there was bedlam and chaos in the Savannah for the semis.”
These are comments that must never be repeated as long as pan competitions exist. We feel confident that you are capable!
Professionalism and Accountability: Panorama is a huge costly event and as such, a high level of professionalism and accountability should be practiced – at all times. I offer the following simple but effective proposal that will aid in avoiding tarnishing of reputation and brand.
Proposal… All bands performing at the savannah for Panorama competitions should sign a contract with Pan Trinbago to ensure conditions are conducive. Pan Trinbago should post their conditions in the media – local, and international websites; at panyards and entrances to the savannah. Content and design of forms to be worked on for 2012.
Comic relief:
Just when I thought I couldn’t find a spare funny bone in my body after Panorama semi-finals, there it was. Something must give…
F’eau pax after f’eau pax presented themselves on television from Carnival Saturday pertaining to Renegades. I laughed heartily! Not that the situations were actually humourous, but they were extremely ludicrous. I said wow, maybe it’s not Renegades’ year; look how the Creator sends messages!
- Children’s Carnival, Carnival Saturday, Queens Park Savannah:
Between 3 – 3:45pm with broadcast on Channel 4, beautiful bands and then alas…a “micro, mini band” the announcer said – “Harps of the harp, a tribute to bpRenegades”. I said well, this is interesting; at least the community cares, but just as the junior masqueraders were making their appearance on stage, in the wink of an eye, an advertisement began which, upon completion, with returned coverage, the presentation had gone.
- Children’s Carnival, Carnival Saturday, Queens Park Savannah:
D’Midas’ Carnival is Colour presented a section “Bees Melody”. Quite impressive! Somehow the television presenter remembered Kitchener (deceased) to be the calpysonian, but failed miserably to recall the band that heated up the Savannah Panorama 1992 – Amoco (at the time) Renegades.
- Panorama Finals:
Even more hilarious and ridiculous – Silver Stars Steel Orchestra delivered a sterling rendition of “Showtime” which was somewhat speedy as the television presenters recognized, but amazing as it were, they were discussing the rate of play and claimed that Silver Stars introduced speed in Panorama.
Hilarious, as they were devoid of Renegades having impressed the world with its flawless execution of intricate and speedy Panorama tunes. Winners nine times!
- Carnival Coverage:
Two presenters – during their television coverage – included in their discussions, the issue of Renegades when the band was making its way on stage. In trying to ascertain what the hoorah was all about that spurred a filed injunction, evidently, not quite conceptualizing its basis, they commented: “…all bands experienced music being played in between renditions during Panorama Semis.” It remains sketchy what they meant.
Four critical tips:
- Whether it points to reputation, brand or competition, “when you lose, and you will lose, make sure you don’t lose the lesson!” – Dr. Rhadi Ferguson PhD
- Practice makes perfect…if you practice it perfectly
- Listen
- Respect
In looking forward:
Pan Trinbago – I look forward to your new and improved plans and healthier partnerships 2012 and beyond.
True Winners:
Renegades –.true winners understand the power of success and the power of failure; dust self off and come again……bigger and better!
In appreciation: Renegades says thanks to its sponsor, arranger, tuner/s, supporters, critics and well-wishers.
In closing: We reflect on best practices, respect, decision-making, strength and moving forward.
Hello Mrs. Blood;
This is all nice and everything, I hear you and feel your pain, but what did Pan Trinbago suffer? You said they gave a public apology. OK, but what pain did they suffer? This is like Exodus. Pan Trinbago messes up, you feel the pain. So now Pan Trinbago is an expert at giving apologies.
If you want to teach your young people something from this experience - Renegades will take all steps necessary to bankrupt Pan Trinbago. Renegades should make Pan Trinbago beg for mercy and put them out of their misery.
I cannot help but feel that the Pan Trinbago executives are laughing at this moment.
The only thing Pan Trinbago respects is money. Take all their money away and then Renegades can issue an apology to Pan Trinbago afterwards for having done so.
When I stated that Pan Trinbago (PT) "publicly apologized" I never alluded to it/them (apologies) as being accepted, I merely stated facts. After all, I am a writer!
However, due to the impact of what transpired on semi-finals, really dealt a severe blow to PT's reputation, brand and potential legacy, which is one of the prices they have to face which is usually a painful blow to the heart of business. It comes like character assasination. If one's character becomes tarnish then they ultimately become tarnished and automatically face serious/damaging consequences.
Interesting,well written, thought provoking, insightful.
There is so much here that it would take several readings to take it all in.
One slight historical correction, however.
On the subject of speed in Panorama music. It was Lennox "Bobby" Mohammed and Guiness Cavaliers who rocked the steelband world and changed Panorama forever when they appeared on the big stage in 1965 and detonated the 'bomb" that was their arrangement of Lord Melory's "Mas".
That speedy performance changed the tempo of pan music forever.
I believe Bobby's brother Selwyn took some of that speed to Renegades when he arranged for them, and that was before the Jit Samaroo era.