Global - Over the last few days there has been much discussion on the When Steel Talks Network over the Nestor Sullivan article “The Demise of the Steelband Panorama - and the Possible Solution.” As a subsequent by-product of these discussions, there has been the call for a world federation for steelpan music matters. The ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘why,’ ‘where’ and ‘how’ are all details that are of interest to the global steelpan music community. What are your expectations and perspective on such an organization?
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Each band goes to the site and register their band's name, leadrer's name, mailing address, country and contact phone number. The site should have some way for a band to go in later on and indicate that the band is still functional. Each year no later that Jan 15 or so, the leader goes on site and hit an icon that indicates that the band is still in operation. If this is not done, we will assume that the band is no longer functional and so the web-master goes in Jan 31 and delete that bands info. A registry will clearly tell us how many bands are out there and where they are. If administered dilligently, in a few years we will be able to track exactly where the growth in Pan activity is taking place. Just an idea! Lets hear from you, do not be shy.
So it is up to us we need to be talking to governments around the globe about the musical and educational value of this wonderfull instrument.
Pepe Francis
British Association of Steelbands [BAS]