Man want to bring back AH HUNDRED STEELBANDS on the ROAD for CARNIVAL with people pushing just like in the SIXTIES -- but we cannot even get rid of a known and established GANGSTA who has been stealing the PANORAMA blind for the last EIGHT YEARS.
Miguel Reyes set me thinking about something that has crossed my mind a hundred times. And that is that you never ever hear ATTENDANCE FIGURES for PANORAMA. And the reason in very simple: That would trigger ACCOUNTABILITY!!! And as THE MINISTER OF CULTURE clearly demonstrated over the last year -- the last thing she wants is ACCOUNTABILITY.
So, on with THE PANORAMA under the usual suspects: DIAZ and FORTEAU!!!
And imagine that THE CIP had the audacity to come on this forum and argue PAN POLITICS with me. Telling me to watch for this and watch for that and what they going to do and what they are not going to do and how they have AH PIECE AH PAPER that go remove KEITH DIAZ from office before CARNIVAL. Now they disappear and we cannot hear a word from them. But ah sure that once PANORAMA done they coming back with more GRAND CHARGE!!!
Ah see Rowlee MURDERSHIP
But ah cyar see PAN LEADERSHIP