Well CECIL went and put up a post wondering how with all the HIGHLY EDUCATED PEOPLE in PAN they CANNOT come up with some SOLUTIONS to MOVE PAN FORWARD.

Now that is a TOPIC that I could write a 1000-page paper on. But that is not the point that I want to make here. Because a man named MICHAEL KERNAHAN come and answer CECIL question and allyuh will not BELIEVE what point the man make to establish his argument ...

Go ahead and read the man response and tell me who on THIS FORUM has made that same point GOD KNOWS how many times. I eh in the FACEBOOK TING but ah sure want to MAKE FRIENDS with that MICHAEL KERNAHAN FELLAH.

This is what the man said: "A Calypsonian once said: "You think you could go into Texas and say you have oil, You think you could go into England and say you have law, You think you could go in to Cuba and say you have.Sugar - yo mad oh mih lad". The long and the short is that Calypso/Soca and Steelband is the Culture of T&T. Oil gon tru, Sugar gon tru. All we have now is Carnival - Steelband, Soca/Calypso. Just now we won't have.forex to import Bikini, Beads, Big Trucks and Electronic Equipment."


Well yuh think yuh go by ANDY and JONATHAN and say yuh COULD PLAY JAZZ

Yuh mad OH MEH LARD OH ...

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  • Yuh think any STEELBAND from TRINIDAD could go to CUBA and say that they could play LATIN MUSIC like EL COBRE STEELBAND?

    Yuh MAD OH MEH LARD OH -- El COBRE STEELBAND could play LATIN more than TRINIDAD -- Yuh hear?

    So why neglect yuh culture? Yuh making me feel sad/CALYPSO and STEELBAND is THE CULTURE OF TRINIDAD!!!

    • Dem CUBAN PAN MEN touch MEH SOUL with this piece ah music!!!!

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