Dr. Kim Johnson outlined why PAN TRINBAGO was formed and what purpose it continues to serve.  And that continues to be that!!! So from today on wards you all should give up that ghost because unless you are calling the PAN TRINBAGO office to offer them a $20,000 performance fee for a show in France, that phone call will not be answered. Ditto for the $1000 you are waiting for since PANORAMA. (But ah read where ONE FELLAH get pay and he come and report it on the forum.)

And doh call Rowley because he 20 billion dollars behind. Ah go have to start calling XPATS and LOCALS when I have any ideas or suggestions and hope to high heavens that Bertel Gittens or Caspar Durant answer the phone.

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  • Well I have to give Keith Diaz and PAN TRINBAGO one compliment: They allow the donkeys (J--- A---- in other words!!!) on this forum to bray and they take it in stride -- at least OUTWARDLY. They never come on the forum and cuss anybody; once in a while they send a surrogate to make a statement but that person is always "to the point" and respectful.

    But I would still like PRESIDENT DIAZ to come on this forum someday and do a little Q and A with the WST crew. After all, if the highly distinguished DR. COPELAND could honor the forum with his presence de vez en cuando I am sure that PRESIDENT DIAZ could find one hour in one day of his busy life to address the 15000 PAN LOVERS on WST in his capacity as PRESIDENT and COMMANDER IN CHIEF of  PAN AROUND THE GLOBE.

  • Claude

    Pan Trinbago recently met in New York to consolidate their international alliance. http://www.panonthenet.com/news/2016/sep/pantrinbago-conf-9-6-2016.htm 

    So I will remind that in the future when you make your snarky remarks about Pan Trinbago, you are now talking about the UK, New York and others. Pan Trinbago has back up. They are now talking dollars, pounds, and yen.

    International concussion for you.


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