
  • I like the power given to Team Rebuild, they only won 4 days ago, and people looking for results ALREADY. Women might be BOSS but Beverley is not GOD. lets all go to sleep and wake up in one year and THEN start the critique. If Claude could run a global pan forum from his house may Beverley could run PT from hers.

  • Pan Trinbago avoids eviction

    Even be­fore the new Pan Trin­ba­go ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cial­ly as­sumed du­ties on Wednes­day, they were is­sued their first tri­al— set­tle their out­stand­ing rent bill of over $250,000 or face evic­tion.

    “We en­tered the premis­es of Pan Trin­ba­go this morn­ing and this first chal­lenge this ex­ec­u­tive will have to face is a let­ter that we re­ceived from Amar Prop­er­ties De­vel­op­ers lim­it­ed,” said pres­i­dent Bev­er­ley Ram­sey-Moore at Pan Trin­ba­go’s of­fice, op­po­site Vic­to­ria Square, in Port-of-Spain, fol­low­ing a hand­ing over cer­e­mo­ny from the pre­vi­ous ex­ec­u­tive.

    Ram­sey-Moore be­lieved the tim­ing of the no­tice is linked to Robert Amar’s de­feat in Sun­day’s elec­tion.

    Amar was an in­de­pen­dent can­di­date for the Pan Trin­ba­go pres­i­den­cy. He man­aged to gain 19 votes in Sat­ur­day’s elec­tion.

    “We are not alarmed be­cause we sus­pect­ed the pain of de­feat would have sur­faced. I ex­pect­ed that Mr Amar, a man who would have of­fered him­self just about two or three days to be elect­ed pres­i­dent of Pan Trin­ba­go would have done the ho­n­ourable thing and sit and have a dis­cus­sion with us as an ex­ec­u­tive so we could all put our hands on the wheel to take Pan Trin­ba­go by its boot­straps and take it to an­oth­er lev­el,” said Ram­sey-Moore.

    How­ev­er, Guardian Me­dia learnt the build­ing was not owned by Robert Amar, but rather his broth­er, Ricky Amar.

    • Comment from Guardian poster Don Glen Phillip

      Three quarters of a million dollars for office rental annually and year go, year come, bush taking over your unfinished headquarters up Trincity? Ms. Beverly Ramsey Moore, we expect great things from you, crack a whip and do what could not be done under previous Presidents of pan trinbago- complete the headquarters, It is too long, even if you have to scale back Panorama, and move to a less glamorous office space for the time being, we will understand.

  • Amer only did that to show pan people he not chuppid.
  • Mr claude that can't be.

    Mr. Amar, who called every bandleader in T&T to convince them how much he love PT, now going to put out executive out on the street. 

    • Aquil: I am sure that MR. AMAR said how much he LOVE PAN PROGRESS and not PAN TRINBAGO!!!

      And everyday I does get about 10 to 15 emails telling me: Claude say this and Claude say that!!!

      Now I doh live in TRINIDAD and half the time I DOH KNOW what to REPRINT or what NOT TO REPRINT -- yuh think I have ah easy life with this PAN PROGRESS THING. People should be feeling sorry me!!!

      But most times my INFO is real good!!! Except for that time when GREGORY LINDSAY spread the RUMOUR that KEITH DIAZ RESIGN and I repeat that!!! I will never forgive GREGORY LINDSAY for that!!!

      Ah thought allyuh say that EVERYBODY was going and HUG UP like ONE BIG FAMILY after the election.



  • To hell with CECIL HINKSON!!! I work too hard for too long FIGHTING FORTEAU and SHEPPARD and JOSEPH and KEITH DIAZ to let SOMEBODY ELSE RUN with MY STORY!!!

    I am just reporting!!! And I doh even know if it is TRUE OR NOT!!!

    But certain sources (NBC, CBS, AP, CNN, UPI) have told me that AMAR delivered an EVICTION NOTICE TODAY (CORONATION DAY) to PAN TRINBAGO to leave his PREMISES by NOVEMBER 7TH for ARREARS in the sum of $252,000.00 (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS (Whey the money gone?).

    Now ah have PLENTY MORE DETAILS than that!!! But Cecil Hinkson accuse me of being a MUCKRAKER and now ah FRAID TO PUBLISH!!!

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