I dropped my guard for a minute and allowed the CIP to sell me some SNAKE OIL and I start believing their propaganda. But Russell Providence came on the forum and tell me that he see KEITH DIAZ building a COFFIN and he asked DIAZ who the coffin was for and DIAZ tell him: Yuh know I building this for the CIP.
Aquil Arrindell and Gregory Lindsay real mamaguy me. Even though I know that KIETH DIAZ is the greatest politician in the world ah still let dem two fellahs convince me they could TAKE HIM DOWN.
Thanks Russell!!! Yuh bring meh back to meh senses!!!
You would notice sir, that I am no spokesperson for the incumbent president ,or secretary a veteran of over three decades, and I abhor the empty rhetoric of the PRO, but more and more the young man is exposing his naivety. I admire his enthusiasm, and would really embrace the opportunity to offer him some workable suggestions as it relates to self sufficiency, to research and development and marketing. From our conversations the young man has not demonstrated the capacity to lead authoritatively as much as he may have to be led, he may have continuously displayed his vulnerability to be influenced by more seasoned, experienced and skillful players.
Water on dasheen bush leaf.
Mr Claude not every body who pass in a nice car you will jump in they front seat. stay focus, just remember you are my advisor.
Like you is a bandwagonest or what. That is why them other expat say your Basketball team could never win. LOL
No BANDWAGONIST here. I am an independent thinker. If I was a bandwagonist I would be on this forum every day saying that BOOGSIE is a MUSICAL GENIUS and that dem two TRINI PAN MEN in Europe is the greatest JAZZ PANNISTS in the world. And ah woulda been cussing Andy Narell for tiefing we PAN and we CULTURE.
But I will tell you one thing: Ah doh know how it happen but me and Russell read the same page from the same book only I never say nothing until he come and TURN UP THE CARDS!!!
so them expat lying about your loosing basket ball team or what?
Claude, I do feel that Aquil and Gregory have good intentions but I'm not sure that they can carry it through but only time will tell. Russell does what it says on the tin ... he's not holding back at all.