THE MAN put his mind, body, soul, and passion OUT THERE in this BATTLE to make PAN TRINBAGO a more PROGRESSIVE PAN MOVEMENT. But the FINAL BATTLE is yet to be fought and I must warn that the desperate FORTEAU and MICHAEL JOSEPH are not going to walk away from that POT OF GOLD without a STRUGGLE TO THE DEATH.

And they have the INSIDE TRACK and a LOYAL group of supporters who are not going to break ranks. So THE CIP better rise to the POLITICAL OCCASION and finish the job that YOU started 15 months ago.

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  • Aquil is true that the bandits have taken all the loot. And the bands will not be paid their prize monies for 2018?


  • Cecil and Bugs have to take a VICTORY LAP too. Allyuh well stand up for PAN on this forum!!! Ah see that THE GANGSTAS had an "unelected officer" paying him BIG MONEY. After all the hard work that the TWO OF YOU did to KEEP HOPE ALIVE for THE CIP on this forum -- one of you should be given that job.

    bugs too busy with the MOVIE and preparing COTS in the PRISON for the GANGSTAS. So they better give the job to Cecil!!!

  • Gangstas are people too,..especially Pan Gangstas.....Karma doh have no menu, only revenge which is best served Cold...

    Like Oliver said at the mess hall in the orphanage..."MORE PLEASE"

  • Rolly Polly, D'Photo, the Big Mouth Pro and other gangtas must face charges for their crimes against Pan immediately. Then they must be jailed. 

    The Aquil and the Gregory will not be successful if these gangstas are allowed to roam free. 


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