I appreciate how merrytonestothebone does come on the forum and suffer fools gladly from time to time. Because this forum is mostly an EXPAT PARADISE fixated in the SIXTIES on how things USED TO BE. merrytonestothebone does a nice little dance between being part of the crowd while at the same time KEEPING IT REAL. Meaning: Telling it like it is today. And the man real independent minded, boy.
Ah mean the man refuse to join the NEW VISIONARIES or the XL4PAN or the UPPM or the CIP and now it sound like he doh like the ISA at all so he eh joining dem. Correction: He cyar join the ISA he is ah SMALL BAND. But at least he coulda go to the show without making some excuse that he had ah BLIND DATE on the same day.
So, keep on posting eh merrytonestothebone. In return ah going and work some OBEAH to see if I could get dem judges to PUT yuh band in FIRST PLACE this coming PANORAMA.
Patrick Ramdoo: What yuh have against the SIXTIES? Some of my BEST FRIENDS on this forum are currently working on a TIME MACHINE to take us back to the SIXTIES. Even DONALD TRUMP wants to take us back to the SIXTIES when AMERICA was 65% WHITE. Before dem 20,000,000 Mexicans cross the border illegally and start the BROWNING OF AMERICA.
But yuh see me, I love June 29th, 2017. And I am going to love June 30th 2017 even more -- if I wake up tomorrow morning and could log on to the forum.
Anyway, say something nice about merrytonestothebone because that is the MAIN TOPIC!!!
Patrick: If you read SIGMUND FREUD you will realize that there is a very THIN LINE!!!
Yeah bro...keep up the pappyshow...clearly one your best traits...but as you have admitted I am never so easily won over...
merrytonestothebone: Yuh brighter than that!!! I was not trying to win you over. I was just trying to diffuse the JJJ nonsense. Everybody got their own POLITICS you should know that.
Now yuh set meh up to make JJJ come and give me ah big lecture!!! But doh worry -- ah could handle mehself!!!
...and I agree with you too...if anything we need to find a more meaningful place for them/us in the Carnival...formal competition is pointless...
Yuh too kind Claude boy...and thanks for the Honorary Expat blessings..but from now on I intend to keep my distance lil bit. The real problem with this discussion board and me is that I was brought up to always see good and say good, well at least most of the time...As the old adage goes "manners maketh man"...But I'm beginning to realize that "manners maketh not ALL PANMEN"...
Let's face it Claude boy...I am only human and sometimes a real good old fashioned Trini cuss is what is the correct prescription for some of the ills I read here from time to time....But I prefer to stay silent...for now at least...Thanks for the obeah offer eh...but ah doubt it go wuk...nobody doh 'fraid dat nowadays...
Doh worry Merrytones..they all still fraid flying cock roach.
We got your back... You de man!
merrytonestothebone: Yuh real good boy; yuh could pick up on subtlety. And then yuh turn right around and embarrass meh and infer that I am an old dated EXPAT who still believe in OBEAH. Ah man can't even use a figure of speech with you.
If you run ah steelband in Trinidad, I know that you met all manner of MAN along the journey. If you read this forum you know that there is all manner of man on this forum. So doh tell meh that you had to wait until you became a GRANDFATHER to figure that out.
I will tell you a personal story. When I grew up my mother and father insisted that I never tell lies. So i grow up NOT LYING and never learning to lie. When I come to America and I suddenly realize that LYING is an art-form and I was greatly lacking in the skill, I realized that my parents did me a BIG disservice when they thought that they were doing me a SERVICE. When one day I heard a psychologist say that when a child starts lying at the age of 5 do you realize how much experience that child has in lying by the age of 20? That really open my eyes!!!
And then I went and study some metaphysics and found out that there was NO right and wrong in this world. Look how some countries does drive on the wrong side of the road and don't get lock up for that!!!
So stay and lime nah man and put the morality aside. Unless yuh going and solve the crime problem and put a stop to the home invasions and slitting of the throats -- ah mean, hate crimes is hate crimes!!! And people should call it that if you are into the RIGHT and WRONG THING.