Ah remember when GYPSY was with the UNC and he cut back the payments from $1000 to $800 how much noise people make on THIS FORUM over that $200.

Now GYPSY with the PNM and he take the PAYMENT down to ZERO -- everybody quiet.

And once BEVERLEY get she 1.2 MILLION DOLLAR rake off the top of the WINNING BANDS -- she dump the players in the GARBAGE BIN.


Ah done vex already watching all dem YANKEE PAN PLAYERS get all the GLOBAL FAME in PAN and now they put this LOCHO LEADER to run PAN TRINBAGO.

Ah going and call SUICIDE PREVENTION!!!

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  • Claude:  Call me naive but is Beverley still expecting pan players to play for Panorama 2019 without getting anything for it?  Will the band and band leaders be able to do this?  Lastly, I assume we are talking about 2019 monies, so what about 2018 monies?

  • 583204372?profile=original&width=300Milton Wire Austin

    Well the mark buss; the cat is out the bag; it is the end to the Players remittance which was abused by the players. So it's back to basics Panorama. Bands and band leaders will have to pay their players now because there is no players fee to depend on; and the bands that will attract players are the Finalist in the Large, Medium, Small, and Single Pan (pan round neck), Competition. Because that is where the money is; Prize Money for Panorama 2019.

  • The ball is in the players court, let's see what happens.
    • You know what's going to happen: PANORAMA will go on LIKE NORMAL!!!

      A few voices are being raised but not enough to lead the PAN PLAYERS out of BONDAGE.

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