Dr. deLight: This is not an INTELLECTUAL FORUM yuh know.

Come back and SUFFER SOME FOOLS, nah man!!!

Look: They put an "intellectual" to run AMERICA and he ended up surrendering it to a FOOL!!!

That is LIFE, my friend!!!


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  • Dr. de light will return after he consult with his Uncle.

  • Claude, that "intellectual" if I'm correct in your characterization is known affectionately as "NO DRAMA OBAMA" who is leaving the his presidency SCANDAL free.

    True joke...

    A Democrat went into bar, met three Donald Trump supporters, they each praise DT for being a good business man, smart politician, they believe he’s going to make America great again. The barman then looked at the Democrat, asked him why he wouldn’t say something about DT, he looked at the barman and said he didn’t want to say anything because he’ll have to explain it several times over.  The low information base, the term used to describe a level of ignorance.

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