Loop News

Laura Dowrich-Phillips

Platinum, the lone all-female steelband that will compete in Sunday’s Panorama, semi-finals is aiming to raise $25,000 to offset some of their expenses.

The band, which will be among the medium bands competing on Sunday, is asking the public to support its mission by purchasing T-shirts at a price of $100 each.

Jenna James, Vice Manager and Vice Captain of the band, told Loop that they are selling T-shirts to help raise the much-needed funds,

The money is needed to pay for uniforms, extra pans to supplement those they have borrowed and to pay players and the arranger, she said.

The band is unsponsored said James, despite issuing several letters requesting financial assistance.

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  • Anyone wishing to assist Platinum with its fundraising efforts is asked to contact Lauren Pierre at 779-8818 or Jenna James at 304-5708.

  • Can we see a full blow up of the print on the T-shirt ?

    • Anyone wishing to assist Platinum with its fundraising efforts is asked to contact Lauren Pierre at 779-8818 or Jenna James at 304-5708.

  • Congrats, Platinum! Where are the T-shirts being sold? Would like to help but please provide contact info.

    • Anyone wishing to assist Platinum with its fundraising efforts is asked to contact Lauren Pierre at 779-8818 or Jenna James at 304-5708.

  • I believe they will be competing on Friday in front of PanTrinbago office, ..theyre a single pan band

    • Thanks, Jeff, while the foolish rant goes on, you seem to be the only one to notice that important bit of info., the band is indeed a single pan band.

  • patrick, It's Boogsie that said "WOMAN IS BOSS" I congratulate the gyrls and don't see why they can't have a band, no one said anything about the guys having one.

    • Cecil, my take on this, if a white man decide to bring out a steelband in Trinidad for panorama and only want white players, will this sit correct with you? These things are no laughing matter, you let these things slide and next , you cant control anything.

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