At the core, I believe that Michael Joseph and Richard Forteau and Darren Sheppard are just paranoid right now that they may lose the GRAVY TRAIN in the next election. So I see them as SPREADING RUMORS. And one of those rumors is that KEITH DIAZ is going to run for PRESIDENT of PAN TRINBAGO in September of 2018 -- next month.
Because after all the negative exposure and public disgrace that DIAZ and PAN TRINBAGO faced over the last two years -- right down to him having to announce his resignation -- how could THIS MAN now decide to RUN AGAIN or be shameless enough to go back and take the helm of that organization for another THREE YEARS.
The announcement by Michael Joseph makes for good gossip and OLE TALK -- but I cannot accept the statement as being factual. And to think that GYPSY and LUCAS and DOLLY are backing this man (Keith Diaz) to gain further control of PAN TRINBAGO after NINE YEARS OF CORRUPTION is beyond my belief.
And since THE CIP has been sleeping in the same bed with KEITH DIAZ for the last few months. I want GREGORY (Gregory distancing like ah kite that AYOOO) or AQUIL or OSWALD to come on this FORUM and tell me that MICHAEL JOSEPH only spreading BAD RAKE. KEITH DIAZ eh really running in truth.