Ah waste meh time profiling THREE PEOPLE on THIS FORUM.
Ah outline the PROFILE for the PRO and she get FIRED!!!
Ah outline the PROFILE for the ERO -- well ah still waiting for BEVERLEY the make the right appointment.(This morning ah see the ERO doing the PRO job on the WST TV -- not a good sign.)
And don't talk about the PROFILE for the GLOBAL PAN STAR. Ah felt like a ZEROX MACHINE copying that PROFILE over and over again. But nobody never listen to me. Actually, I don't think that they understand the nature of the challenge and preparation necessary to deliver THAT PRODUCT to the world. Even if BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE got out of bed tomorrow morning and fell to the floor and bounced her head and started to think straight after that and then selected four potential candidates and put them in TRAINING -- it will still take them about FIVE to SEVEN years to bring that PAN PLAYER up to the GLOBAL STANDARD required for that job.
Which means that if i want to live to see that day -- I will have to STOP SMOKING and STOP DRINKING and STOP RUNNING AROUND and START EXERCISING and EATING RIGHT and GOING TO CHURCH and PRAYING every SUNDAY. All that just to feel some NATIONAL PRIDE in seeing a PAN STAR from TRINIDAD representing the INSTRUMENT on THE GLOBAL STAGE.
Still, as the WORLD GOVERNING BODY OF STEELBAND, the one thing that they could control directly is the DEVELOPMENT and MARKETING of THAT LOCAL TALENT. But they don't even see it as a PRIORITY (I am sure that they don't even know the requirements).
And now, with all this ALL YEAR PANORAMA absorption -- ALL HOPE IS GONE!!!