Sharmain Baboolal did see this coming MONTHS AGO!!!

John Arnold, HBM Gold, has all the accolades on paper. A combination of event management, music and business.
His biggest foray into event management thus far has been with the Tobago Jazz Festival, which has never pulled in a profit. He is, however, the President of the Copyright Organization of Trinidad and Tobago COTT.

Arnold will fortify the Pan Trinbago President as she ventures into her first Panorama. And Marie Toby, former Chairman of the Tobago Region of Pan Trinbago, will be the new Liaison Officer for all steelbands, obviously sitting at the right hand of the President.
He will join Janine Charles Farray a marketing strategist and publicist, Colin Greaves, a marketing and steel band event management consultant and “ the man from Jet Blue” who gave away free tickets to the previous executive.

They are all on Board for Panorama 2019. That has been decided.
“In 2012, funds were used to pay a consultant for Panorama. the middlemen were creaming off the milk and we don't need a consultant to tell us how to run our show,” Ramsey Moore told the meeting a few days before the decision was taken to pull in Arnold and company.

And on top of all that imported PANORAMA MANAGEMENT, Beverley set up a PANORAMA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE with Woodbrook Modernaire’s Douglas Williams as Office Admin for Pan Trinbago and other members of the EXECUTIVE to hold MEETING after MEETING on planning this PERFECT PANORAMA.

Yet the show SLIP AWAY from all dem BIG TIME MANAGERS HANDS and roll right into SUNDAY MORNING!!!

Now BEVEREY talking BIG AGAIN: No more NINE OUR SHOW under my ADMINISTRATION and MY STAFF. I going and kick out dem MEDIUM BANDS and have a FOUR HOUR SHOW in 2020 with 20,000 viewers from all over the world paying to see the show because I stand for PROSPERITY IN PAN!!!

WE GO SEE COME 2020!!!

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