Is best they forget the FORENSIC AUDIT and do a MANPOWER AUDIT on PAN TRINBAGO!!!
Sources within the CDA said there were employees who were misfits for many positions as they lacked qualifications and “did absolutely nothing all day.”
Sounds like a duplicate of PAN TRINBAGO to me!!!
odw: You and Mr. Shah just cemented my point. A few STEELBAND LOVERS on this forum and a couple hundred PAN MEN down in Trinidad making noise about Keith Diaz and the 34M$ that he TEEF. But in the Trinidad scheme of things that is the NORM and nobody ever pays the price. (Well one Indian judge get put in Prison back in the 80's and that was indeed a racial tragedy -- a different story.)
All this talk about auditing KEITH DIAZ and putting him in jail is just OLE TALK. The system has always been to get into positions of power so that you can steal as much as you can with impunity. KEITH DIAZ is JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE.
They will make Diaz an example because he did not come from the college boy clique. T&T is very much into classism.
Cecil - Trinidad hasn't caught a criminal in a decade. This one is gift wrapped. Rolly Polly is surely going to "Club Jail". .
Bugs, ah shame to talk about the Legal system in T&T, it is said that they have such a large backlog in the courts it could be years before a case comes to trial, I read this morning where they charge a dead man, In Trinidad Tragedy is Comedy, go figure .
That's it in a nutshell. lolol
Cecil: Doh listen to BUGS with that "CLUB JAIL" ole talk. The only person who could put pressure on KEITH DIAZ is DOCTOR DOLLY. And I just had to reassess DOCTOR DOLLY and realize that she is in the POLITICAL GAME for the LONG TERM.
Actually, she plans to become the FIRST BLACK FEMALE PRIME MINISTER OF TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. So she is not going to disrupt the workings of the PARTY by dirtying her hands with KEITH DIAZ.
PAN MEN have to wake up to the politics or they are going to spend another 50 years being exploited from top to bottom.
Rolly Polly find a new band yet? I heard he is not wanted around any of the large bands. And you know the rules state you can't whole office without belonging to a band.
I wonder if you can hold office from jail?
King James is coming. Put on your helmet from now.
Boi wey yuh mean doh listen to Bugs, I can form my own opinion on the issues at hand.
Cecil: Yuh doh have to tell me that you form your own opinions. I know that; it is demonstrated. But BUGS is a purveyor of FAKE NEWS and he could be a bad influence on even the most strong-willed people.
He promise all these revelations and monthly SURPRISES from COLLEGE BOY and up to now KEITH DIAZ have COLLEGE BOY tie like ah COW IN QUARANTINE in THE CUSTOMS.
And all that talk about FORENSIC AUDIT!!! Yuh eh see Michael Joseph done turn the page and getting ready for the October 2018 elections.
I still cannot believe that KEITH DIAZ tie up the PAN MEN PANORAMA money in court and all dem PAN MEN cool with that!!! Man, they need some REAL LEADERSHIP!!!