

Speaking in my capacity as Chairman/Manager of the Board of Management of Power Stars Steel Orchestra, bonafide member band of Pan Trinbago T.C., the World Governing  Body for the SteelPan, the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago, with affiliates in New York, Toronto, London, Arizona and the Caribbean.


I am gravely concerned about key critical matters recently raised in the public domain regarding Pan Trinbago supported by documented contractual evidence in my possession, which from my perspective where on the floor membership I stand, I know that this is not in the best interest of the Steelpan movement. 


All protocols observed with deference to my Regional Chairman - North, Mr. Douglas Williams, may it please Mr. Keith Diaz, the President of Pan Trinbago, Mr. Richard Forteau, Secretary, Mr. Melvin Bryant, Education Officer (as of SteelFest 2012) and Advisor to the President to grant me an audience as soon as possible please to clarify the issues so as not in any way bring the organisation into further disrepute.


As the article is already in the public domain and can be directly sourced, I shall reprint that in its entirety without prejudice in a subsequent post within the next 24 hours. 


Many thanks for delivering this important message. Please Post to the WST community. Thanks for this medium of communication.



Gregory M. Lindsay

Manager - Power Stars Steel Orchestra

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  • Look how much years GREGORY LINDSAY trying TO TAKE DOWN KEITH DIAZ  -- TO NO AVAIL!!! I offered THE CIP my political services and they reject my offer. And after 5 years Gregory Lindsay have nothing to show. What I don't understand is how these PAN MEN could live dey whole life in Trinidad and NOT UNDERSTAND the politics.

    Ah tell allyuh last week that I could tell that KEITH DIAZ have a new lease on life and POWER in PAN TRINBAGO.  Ah doh know when odw will wake and realize that LEADERSHIP in Trinidad is built on CORRUPTION. I am not talking about what YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE HAPPENING. I am talking about WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!

  • 2012 to present...nothing new under the sun, same modus operadi don't matter which Government is in power.  Leadership should be based on character principles. A character assessment should be based on "public trust" in this case the member organizations that make up Pan Trinbago are the ultimate decider of who they want to lead them. Your vote counts!

    • Yeah odw, the WHOLE MODUS OPERAND IS CORRUPTED, and it stinks to hell, and this NATIONAL INSTRUMENT BULL SHIT/LIES, what National Instrument??? there no approvals and documentations by both the "House of Assembly" to such a proclamation, and there is "No Act of Parliament', Voted on by Elected members therefore; the "NATIONAL INSTRUMENT" is pure "Bull Shit" talk, and talking do not get anything done, which makes the WHOLE SYSTEM CORRUPTED, they tell you this and that so that they can RUN OFF WITH ALL THE F/////G MONEY, and they all FAKE an ILLNESS so they can leave the country to go and HIDE the MONEY in some OFF SHORE BANK ACCOUNT, MANNING DID IT, DIAZ DID IT, AND ROWLEY JUST DID IT when he went to L.A., but they forget that money LEAVES A PAPER TRAIL, but it takes time to trail it back to them, sometimes they die before it gets back to them, like the "BROOK BENTON" song 'it's JUST A MATTER OF TIME"...

  • When smart people refuse to get involve they end up being ruled by fools.

  • Mr Lindsay, I forgot you have BALLS too, you are not afraid to open your mouth, I like that.

  • Mr Gregory Lindsay, I think you would make an excellent president for Pan Trinbago, you are young ,smart, love pan and most of all ah passion for seeing that the right thing is done. Pan People has never had good leadership since the days of George Goddard, it's about time.

    • Cecil, I totally agree with you. He's got my nomination. Thing is, Pan Trinbago may have to be dissolved, and a true, legal, "non-profit union" would need to be set up in its place. I think there are other great choices for nominations to executive positions, among the current membership, but Pan Trinbago HAS TO GO! That is my constitutionally-protected opinion, and will utilize every legal option, to ensure that "WE THE PAN PEOPLE" , are never again exploited by this lawless, conscienceless body, perpetrating as "the world governing body for pan". An "association" can only govern its membership, of which I will NEVER be, as long as they continue to function (in MY opinion) outside of the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and against the "best interests" of our industry and "workers" - the local pan man and pan woman. As they say: "Charity begins at home.", and we all know the "home" of the steel drum or pan, regardless of how they (conveniently) use Africa. In Ma'at (Truth. Justice. Reciprocity).


  • Mr. Lindsay it appears you alerted the WST members about a potential problem well in advance.


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