Dear Steve (I hope I may address you by your first name),

I would like to sincerely apologize for the hurtful and disrespectful comments that I have posted against you. Over these past two years or so, we became bitter enemies. As I look back, I really do not blame either of us; we were both caught up in the moment, and as one pushed, the other pushed back.

Regardless of your views, I should have NEVER insulted you the way I have, and for that I seek your forgiveness. I have come to realize that our mutual enemy is the “Evil One”, who does not want to see us, as a human species, live in love and harmony. I fell into that snare, and although my passion for my culture is admirable, my approach was not.

I am guilty of the very thing that I advise against, by addressing the “messenger”, and not the “message”. I am by NO MEANS anywhere close to being the man that I would like to leave this Earthly existence as; I always admit that I am a “Work In Progress”. My disrespecting you, reminds me of how far I am yet to travel to that destination of being “Godlike”.

All inspired writings, regardless of “religion”, teaches us to forgive. We are told not to “fight fire with fire”, and, in hindsight, I wished that I had taken that advice. I got emotionally involved in what I felt was your attacks on my ethnicity/race and culture. I understand that you have your own religious views, and they shape the way you see the World. So, while I may disagree with your concepts as they relate to “race”, I did not represent “my people” with the grace and dignity they deserve. I, in all practicality, was doing more harm than good.

In life, timing is everything. The recent ascension to the Heavens of Nelson Mandela, gave me my moment of epiphany; if he could be as forgiving to those who incarcerated him for 27 years, I should be able to forgive you, for the things you said about me for these past two years or so. In retrospect, I should have never ascribed to you labels such as “jihn”, and other titles that I prefer not to mention.

To When Steel Talks, I sincerely apologize for the unprofessional and irate manner in which I have dealt with opposition. I further thank you for your graciousness and fairness in allowing me to express myself without censorship. To the WST members; my deepest apologies to you all; NONE of you deserved to be subjected to such offensive commentary. Again, my intentions are genuinely good, and I let anger consume me. I promise ALL of you (Sidd, WST, and the members) that I, George David Goddard, will NEVER again subject you all to the sort of language that I have used in the past.

I really see us a one dysfunctional family, and regardless of what I may have portrayed in the past, I sincerely love, honor and respect ALL of you. To Glenroy Joseph and Cecil Hinkson, I would like to say a special “thank you”, for your attempts to keep me “in line”. I truly look up to you both. To Dr. Lance, thank you for your continued support and guidance.  To Claude, your perspective is a very important one, for ALL debates need to look at the issues from all angles. To Salmon Cupid, I hope that we can become the friends that we once were, and you have my continued support in your endeavors. I may think that the E-Pan has no place in Panorama, but I believe that it is a GREAT tool for arrangers and those (like me) with home studios. I can testify that you are a very decent young man, and, again, the “Evil One” is the one behind our relationship becoming estranged.

Finally, to ALL those who continually and unselfishly contribute to the WST discussions, I personally thank you. I may be “bright”, but that “brightness” comes in knowing that I do not know everything. As Dr. Lance correctly noted, WST has discussions that are “PhD material”. I have learned so much from WST; things that I did not know, either because I was too young when they were happening, or I was in the United States, away from home. Trinidad and Tobago will ALWAYS be my home, and I hope that, one day, our country’s citizens live up to the ideals that “together we aspire, together we achieve”. I truly believe that the future of the “Steelband Movement” depends on the efforts of this WST membership, and that there is NO group of people ANYWHERE that shows the concerns, and presents ideas to help move pan forward. So, again, I beg your forgiveness, and I hope we can ALL use this opportunity to join forces and make a positive impact on the steelband culture that (obviously) we ALL love. I wish you all a very blessed Sun Day, and a great week ahead! Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace.)

Ghost Who Makes MANY Mistakes. ☺

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  • Greetings my brother Cecil: Thank you and may I extend the same to you and your family. Guidance and Blessings. Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • Greetings! In 2013 We saw  so many negative and tumultuous postings; we also saw the coming of age from several members. I am gald that we continue to live as one big family. Guidance Dr. Lance Seunarine

    • Lance: I would like to see us live like "one big HAPPY family"  but that will only happen when people stop trying to hijack the forum.

                     Best wishes to you and your family for 2014.

  • Winston et al ....

    Best of Christmas or whatever you celebrate around this time ...looking forward to a positive 2014 filled with all possibilities ..looking forward to meet everyone to put a face to the person but most of all good health to everyone and their families



  • Hey Ghost, Sidd , GRJ , Bede , Claude Catt, Brenda, Terry,Salah, Cecil, Belve and all the other members of WST please let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy 2014. New beginnings for us all . We are going in with a clean slate . All baggage is left behind . One of my radio announcer friends always end her show with this quote " Keep your feet on the ground but keep aiming for the stars." Blessings .
    • Thanks, Gons...same to you and yours. May 2014 be Bright and Prosperous for you!!! Ghost.

    • Winston, some people wait for the Stars to fall on their Feet, lol Merry Xmas to you, I X out Christmas this year

      • Bede that radio announcer was Casey Kasem  (Top 40 DJ) with his signature sign-off: "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."


        Boy, Bede, two big men spit out the peace pills Cecil try to make them swallow. Ah doh know what go happen next!

        • Claude, I think Brian trying his best to put the Peace Pipe out, But I am glad the Ghost is Standing his ground and not quivering,(I am proud of the Ghost) 

    • Merry Christmas to YOU and FAMILY too, Mr. Dayal!!!


      ... but I have all my baggage strapped to my body like a suicide bomber; can't get it off for 2014. LOL!!!

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