Thanks for the sentiment, Merv.
This year’s big ‘do may turn out to be a Panorama to remember.
Robbie down by the stadium with Starlift, probably holding a grudge against Despers;
Zanda traveling from Siparia Deltones to Greyfriars with his earthy arranging style for Town to scrutinize night after night, amid the glare of the city;
Teague wanting to prove a point in a post-Rama rant he had with me (after he read Spilling of Blood and not understanding that the story was about two friends who duke it out every year in public (“Silver Stars played good music and you only mentioned that we tied for third”) - when he wins, and it could be this year, he’ll get his due - Jeez.
Boogsie coming off an irrational decision to expatiate upon “Woman on the Bass” at the World Rama, despite all those pretty songs framed on his wall of exotic music;
Pelham and Rudder reuniting for a reprise of vibes from Dus in yuh Face;...
The letter wasn't addressed to me , but you said a mouthful , Dalton :)
Boogse's irrational decision !
Indeed !
Did he not know that his choice put him in competition , not with the panorama field , but with two doses of "Smooth" ?
And competing against one dose of "Smooth" should be enough.
And , considering his outstanding musical repertoire as a composer , that displayed to me a certain arrogance.
It's difficult not to believe that it was a personal challenge.
It is never a good idea to repeat another band's winning tune in a subsequent panorama , because besides the current field , you are also competing against the past winner .
Glenroy, your reference to "two doses of Smooth" is my day's highlight already. Far be it to me to describe the mastermind in better language and taste for stooping so low.
Watch out for the Phase, though, for Boogsie's Waterloo moment could well transform the festival into a Bradley-esque charge. One never knows with this beguiling arranger operating on any given final night. Good rant. Dalton
Well look what we have this year… Boogsie is trying to use the Brass jam, All Stars used so effectively last year to win. This time he is really going for it. Let’s see if it will work. Trying to use the song happy failed; Woman on D Bass failed... so let’s try the Brass jam.
Martin, what are you trying to imply, after hearing the two bands it's looking like the results will be a lot different in 2016.
You know Desperadoes is not going to lay down and let Smooth and AllStars tie up the records with 10 wins. Boogsie desperate for a win again and Silver Stars and Exodus don’t want to be left holding the 3 place again. Pro trying to make a win for himself and Andy and Birdsong trying a new standard for panorama. You name it we have it only in Trinidad.
Martin: Yuh leave out SKIFFLE BUNCH!!! Scratch Silver Stars and Exodus from the race and put in the also eligible STARLIFT.
By the way...I think it will have big fight in the Savannah after the results this year. it looks like all coming with guns blazing...Lets hope they don't shoot and kill someone.
Thanks Dalton. As usual you are telling it like it is. I heard some of what Zanda is doing for Despers and it sounded good, a little like Bradley so I know the tribe happy. I always believed that Zanda is a better fix for the band on the Hill (Curtis said that they returning next year) for this era. Robbie has no more to give them. I heard All Stars too and they could win again. Hope to see you soon in Brooklyn. I heard Cecil White from Renegades and his wife died in an accident near Trincity. RIP Cecil, we shall miss you.
Synco, more happy for Despers than any band in the Rama. They've been grieving too long, "losing" the panyard for so many Panoramas. Watch for the Hill coming back in full force on the track. THAT would energize the band to no end.
I can't wait it's going to be a blast. ....first time in years a dark horse could take it all